
Why ABC News Is Being Forced to Pay Trump $15 Million

Why forced?
In a nutshell because of ABC's undeniable media bias and slander of Trump on full diplay, that ABC did no wan to prolong being on national display in an ongoing televised trial.
So they made a settlement wih Trump.

And if Trump wanted to, he could do the same and sue a dozen other Trump-hating biased liberal networks, who like ABC and Stephanopoulos, also slandered Trump as "guilty of rape" of E. Jean Carroll, when in actual fact Trump had just been exonerated by a jury on that charge a few days prior.

And the millions tha E. Jean Carrollhas (so far) temporarily "won" in alleged damages awarded, that will be eliminated on appeal, for the incredible contortions and perversion of the law, and the obvious bias by both the judge and prosecutor in the case.
The judge and the prosecutor should have the tables turned on them and be indicted hemselves for malicious prosecution of Trump on made up false charges, that no one else has ever been tried for.
Lunacy, for which ABC, for openers, is paying a heavy price.