![[Linked Image from milehighcomics.com]](http://www.milehighcomics.com/istore/images/fullsize/12841473672.120.jpg)
In the 1970's era, only Jim Aparo did a satisfying version of Kirby's characters in a non-Kirby story.
I'm thinking in particular of this story in
BRAVE AND THE BOLD 120, where Batman is transported into the future (or one possible future) and has a shared adventure with Kamandi, in the remains of Mount Rushmore park in Souh Dakota.
https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/The-Brave-and-the-Bold-1955/Issue-120?id=31220There was a second BRAVE AND THE BOLD story in issue 157, Dec 1979, , that was the reverse, with Kamandi being transported back to our present, and having a shared adventure with Batman in Gotham City. I honestly didn't like his one nearly as much.
But the story in 120 was great, and had a very consistent feel to the Kirby KAMANDI run.
https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/The-Brave-and-the-Bold-1955/Issue-157?id=31257Aparo demonstrated a similar consistency witth other Kirby series, in other BRAVE AND THE BOLD issues
https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/The-Brave-and-the-Bold-1955/Issue-109?id=31209112 (MISTER MIRACLE)
https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/The-Brave-and-the-Bold-1955/Issue-112?id=31212128 (MISTER MIRACLE)
https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/The-Brave-and-the-Bold-1955/Issue-128?id=31228And one last issue by Bob Haney, wih John Calnan/Bob McLeod art, that is more of a mixed bag.
https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/The-Brave-and-the-Bold-1955/Issue-137?id=31237The O'Neil / Vosburg story in
1st ISSUE SPECIAL 13 was also a nice offering, consistent enough with Kirby to work.
https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/1st-Issue-Special/Issue-13?id=85359I was not nearly as pleased with Conway and Newton's revival of
NEW GODS in 12 -19 (1977-1978). I like Gerry Conway on his JLA run with Perez, and on other series. I like Don Newton on THE PHANTOM (for Charleon, 1975-1976, right before he moved o DC), on BATMAN (1978-1984), Shazam in WORLD'S FINEST (same 1978-1984 period), and other series.
But while interesting for a few issues, Conway and Newton's work together on NEW GODS was inconsistent with the previous Kirby run and O'Neil/Vosburg's 1st ISSUE SPECIAL 13 issue (April 1976), Conway/Newton just portrayed completely different characters.
https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/New-Gods-1977/Issue-12?id=88514Nor was the Englehart/Rogers run on
MISTER MIRACLE 19-22 consistent with Kirby either.
https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Mister-Miracle-1971/Issue-19?id=47336Nor was the Gerber/Golden run in MISTER MIRACLE 23-25.
https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Mister-Miracle-1971/Issue-23?id=47344Both of these good in their own way, but not consistent with the Kirby run
Despite a number of these writers and artists otherwise being very talented and producing many of my favorites on other titles, their efforts on Kirby's characters came off way short of what Kirby himself did on these series.
Which is to say, Kirby is a very difficult act to follow.