Yeah, in Russia's conventional military forces, they've exhausted about 90% of their army reserves just to keep a stalemate going in the last 2 and a half years in Ukraine. And Russia has brought military divisions into Ukraine from as far away as Vladivostok. One news story I read said the Russians bring in portable crematoriums to destroy the evidence of their own losses. So while the Russians outnumber the Ukrainians (140 million total Russians, to about 41 million Ukrainians) the Russians are taking far higher losses in sheer numbers. And a report I saw just today, former U.S. Col. Tony Shaffer said that Russia has advanced only 40 kilometers in Ukraine over the last 14 months in their latest massive offensive. And really, the battle lines have barely moved in 2 years.

That said, while Russia is very limited at this point in their conventional forces and navy, they do have the largest nuclear arsenal on Earth, and have the ability to destroy much of Ukraine, much of Europe, or even the world, either out of spite, out of pure craziness, or out of miscalculation or error. So while Russia is a country with a relatively small $2.5 trillion economy, about the size of Italy (as compared to the U.S. or China, that each have $25 trillion economies), and while Russia does not have a formidable conventional military, it could still, by accident or design, do a lot of damage to the world with their nuclear arsenal.