
God forbid we should begin a new year with peace and sanity, without some fanatic slaughtering innocent people to send some kind of crazy message.

The major questions for me so far with these two almost simultaneous attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas are:

1) Are the two dead terror attackers just two deeply troubled individuals with personal problems, lone nuts basically, who may have tried to rationalize their terrorism by attaching themselves to other radical political beliefs just to rationalize or aggrandize their own actions ?
Or were they part of a larger movement or conspiracy?

2) FBI and local police (at least in New Orleans) are pushing hard the narrative that these were not terrorist incidents, and nothing more to see here. But FBI in particular are ALL OVER THE PLACE in their investigation and their public narrative to the news media.
First, from the outset for over 8 years, the FBI has been overtly Democrat/Leftist in who it chooses to investigate and prosecute, and who it gives a free pass to.
FBI since its 2008 politicization by Obama, downplays islamic terrorism, and manipulates to hide the true numbers of annual statistics of minority crime and violence, and annual racial attacks on whites.
And FBI overplays and exaggerates, selectively prosecutes, and even manufactures an alleged threat of "dangerous right-wing white supremacists" just to feed a Democrat narrative. FBI aggressively goes after and frames parents at PTA meetings just protesting woke indoctrination of their kids, FBI goes aggressively after peaceful pro-life activists. And especially, FBI goes after at least 1,500 peaceful January 6th protesters.
And, of course, FBI aggressively targets and publicly arrests Trump officials.

ALL arrested in unnecessarily aggressive 6 AM FBI raids, when they could have just called them and asked each to surrender, and appear at an appointed time with their lawyer. But instead FBI did show arrests costing over $1 million each, where in many cases CNN was called in advance to be there to film it.
CLEARLY political, CLEARLY corrupt and one-sided.

So... an FBI that has already severely damaged its reputation over the last 8 years would be expected to be working hard to re-establish their credibility while investigating and giving public statements about the current New Year's Eve attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas.
But instead, they just further confirmed the FBI's own politicization and untrustworthiness.

The DEI-hire black chick with the nose piercing (as well as the frail and wacky-looking old lady New Orleans police chief) over-eagerly and unbelievably jump to assure us there was no terrorism here, nope, nothing more to see. The correct press conference statement would have been that It's still too early in the investigation to determine cause or if it was a terror attack, until we have fully investigated.
But they didn't say that.
They jumped the gun before any real investigation was done, to presumptuously assure us there was no terrorism motive.

And then just an hour later, ANOTHER group of FBI people had another press conference, completely contradicting the first FBI press conference, saying there was an ISIS flag on the New Orleans attacker's truck, that he had expressed an alliance to ISIS to attack Westerners as infidels, and that he posted several angry online videos in the hours before his attack, CLEARLY stating an islamic motive for his attack.

Then a day later on Jan 2nd, the FBI assisant director Christopher Raia, had another press conference, and with way too much cockiness and emotion to be believed, NOW said that neither of the two incidents had a terrorist motive. And not really addressing all the evidence to the contrary, that DOES show a terrorist mottive.
The ISIS flag on the truck.
The aforementioned security video of 5 others on Bourbon Street, planting IED bombs.

All that evidence has suddenly disappeared wihout mention, without any questions or opposition from reporters present.

With the net result being, neither the FBI's "terrorist motive" or its alternate "troubled personal lives" motive sounds credible at this point.
And in either scenario, the FBI appears to be selling a narrative that they WANT to be promoted for self-serving political reasons, rather than a detached objective investigation of where the facts truly lead.
And ultimately, that the FBI we want to trust, has once again proven they cannot be trusted.

Someone in the press said that the FBI's conduct in this investigation assures the confirmation of Kash Patel as the new FBI director, to fully clean house and completely reform the FBI. One can only hope that long overdue change can begin in the next 17 days.

