Originally Posted by Wonder Boy, January 16 2020

[Linked Image from 2.bp.blogspot.com]

A page from Nasser's Green Arrow story in WORLD'S FINEST 245 , that I think of as the "Green Arrow anal rape issue". With the angle of that panel, combined with the expression on Arrow's face being rather... suggestive. (Nasser did a 10-page Green Arrow story, that continued into a Nasser 10-page Black Canary story, the two stories essentially one 20 page continuous story)

Dr. Frederic Wertham would have enjoyed Nasser's run.

Adding to the anal rape file...

[Linked Image from milehighcomics.com]
( cover by Phil Hester /Ande Parks )

..this cover from ULTIMATE MARVEL TEAM-UP 2, May 2001

Someone else posted this image to a topic here roughly 20 years ago, I can't recall if it was G-man, Son of Mxy, BSAMS, The Doctor, Time Trust, or someone else. But regardless, hilariously suggestive. It's hard to believe the artist couldn't pick up on the suggestive possible interpretation of this pose.