This part ent by me he first time....

Originally Posted by M E M
I’m proud that democrats didn’t try to do a version of Trump’s Jan 6. A disgrace maga will never be able to rewrite.

The Democrats have pretty much had an insurrection every time they have lost an election since 2000.
As I detailed earlier, House Democrats tried to overturn the election of Bush in 2000, tried to overturn Bush's re-election in 2004, tried to overturn Trump's election victory in 2016.
So this 2024 election and Electoral ballot count is the FIRST election where Democrats have not bitterly disputed the election of a Republican president IN 24 YEARS !!.

Further, throughout George W. Bush's 8 years, Democrat House and Senate leaders, among other Democrat leaders, called W. Bush an "illegiimate president" who "stole the eleciton" , despite THREE federal election re-counts of the votes in front of the entire global news media.
And then MORE privately funded re-counts of the 2000 ballots by the Miami Herald, Los Angeles Times and other major newspapers.
None of which produced any evidence that Bush "stole" the election.

And further beyond that, there were riots, vandalism and burning of cars, and attacks on Republicans in the streets of Washington DC the day of Trump's Jan 20 2017 inauguration.
Plus Democrat House and Senate members, and Hillary Clinton among other Democrat leaders, who called him "illegitimate", and about 100 of them who --unprecedented-- would no even attend Trump's inauguration. In addition to the rioting, looting, violence, and car burnings..

Plus, y'know, the whole 4-year coup from 2016-2021 by the FBI, DOJ and CIA to frame Trump for "Russia collusion", TWO fake impeachments, an FBI counter-intelligence investigation, leaking of FBI classified documents by James Comey to set up a Mueller-led special investigation, a special investigation teamed by 17 Trump/Republican-hating Democrat-donating lawyers, and not one Republican lawyer.

In another FBI/deep state coup, the FBI buried the Hunter Biden laptop, hid it for an entire year, FBI and CIA with Facebook and witter banned it from being shared on social media, and created a fake letter from 51 intelligence officials labelling it "Russian disinformation", all to rig the 2020 election for Joe Biden.
In several overlapping FBI coups against Trump, the faked letter by 51 [ Democrat ] intelligence officials, said the Hunter Biden laptop "has all the earmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign". And Morelli at CIA (as I linked at the time) after the election admitted NONE of these 51 had viewed the contents of the laptop before drafting that letter, and Morelli further admitted that Anthony Blinkin had instructed Morelli to create the fake letter. To help Joe Biden win the 2020 election, by using government / FBI and CIA disinformation to rig the election outcome. A whole cluster of coup operations, all aimed at electing Joe Biden in Nov 2020

The "Twitter files", how FBI and CIA agents,ostensibly having left their agencies and taken high level posiions in the private sector for Facebook, Twitter and Google (but secrely still operatives of the FBI and CIA, manipulating social media companies into an unholy alliance with federal intelligence agencies) in yet another way suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop from being permitted on Facebook, Twitter and other social media, depriving hundreds of millions of voters of information before he election. That about 20% in polls for the last 4 years consistently say they would not have voted for Biden in 2020 if they'd known the truth about the Hunter Biden laptop e-mails and documents and photos incriminating Joe Biden, and therefore this was another coup / insurrection that rigged the 2020 presidential election.

And then after Trump left office in 2021, the FBI raid on Mar A Lago, the faked photos created by the FBI during the raid of documents, *NOT* as Trump stored them a Mar A Lago.

The National Archives and the FBI conspired to create a fake narrative and FBI case that Trump had mishandled documents, despite that Trump and his staff cooperated with FBI and the National Archives completely for 2 years before the FBI raid. But FBI alleged Trump didn't cooperate with FBI, to rationalize the Mar A Lago raid. While completely ignoring the ACTUAL mishandled illegal documents Joe Biden had, in multiple locations, that Biden (as aa Senator and as Vice President) NEVER had the presidential authority to possess, with carelessly stored documents in his garage and elsewhere spanning back to 1973.

And then FBI, DOJ, The Biden White House, Fannie Willis, Nathan Wade, Alvin Bragg, Letitia James and several corrupt judges all coordinated and conspired to frame Trump and convict Trump in 4 (coordinated) separate trials, to prevent Trump from being able to campaign, and/or slander Trump so he would drop in the polls and not be able to win, even if he continued to run.
Essentially, ANOTHER insurrection/coup against Trump.

Plus two assassination attempts, where Trump was purposefully left exposed and unprotected by a Democrat-Bolshevik Secret Service and FBI in Butler, PA, and a second time on his own golf course in West Palm Beach. The Secret Service and FBI's intent was to let the shooter(s) get off their shots, AND THEN apprehend them once the assassination was completed, and at that point say oops, we got the shooter, but not in time to save the president.

Thomas Michael Crooks' family went silent after the assassination attempt, and lawyered up with the same (CIA-connected) law firm that represented Alexander Vindman.
The second shooter, Ryan Routh, has travelled extensively to other battle-torn islamic countries worldwide, and Ukraine, and CLEARLY is an asset of the CIA and FBI, because no one who wasn' t could travel back and forth that easily to and from those countries. And Ryan Routh's girlfriend (who disappeared without a trace, never idenified, never found) is clearly another FBI or CIA asset, because no one could so thoroughly disappear from agencies with the FBI and CIA's resources to investigate her, unless she was a federal operative.
On and on.

But oh, hey, YEAH ! Democrats are COMPLETELY civil and respect our Constitutional rule of law, NOT AT ALL Bolshevik or insurrectionist or coup-prone, NO SIR !
rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.