Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Are you having a problem with the courts still requiring evidence WB?

The courts for another 6 days are controlled by the Biden government, and by Merrick Garland's DOJ.

Once that suppression ends in 6 days, you will see some immediate action on that evidence against the Bidens. And the Biden government is handing out pardons like Pez candy, to suppress that justice from happening. Once again, your corrupt Democrat-Bolshevik party, insulating themselves from the laws they have broken.

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Gregg Jarrett in the last of those books, specifically details the laws broken by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and their inner staff, including destruction of evidence, destruction of federal documents, leaking of classified federal (FBI) documents, destruction of evidence (Hillary Clinton and her aides bleachbitting at least 30,000 documents that had already been subpoenaed by the FBI investigating her, and shattering at least 2 cel phones with even more evidence), obstruction of justice, and a dozen more laws.

And with Jarrett's book, that's just what was known in 2018 ! He has a second follow up book, with even more evidence.
And there is so much more that has been discovered that can be PROVEN the Democrats have done since then.

Democrats who did these things HAVE to go to jail. Because if these Democrats again go unpunished they will just be further emboldened as they have been by getting away with it in 2005, 2007, 2010, 2012, and 2016-2024.

Comey, McCabe and others at FBI faking a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page, and through surveilling Page, using that FISA warrant to spy on the entire 2016 Trump campaign, and then for 6 months after using it to spy on the entire Trump White House, FAR exceeds the worst excesses that occurred during the Watergate scandal. The Democrat Bolsheviks at FBI (and those above them in the Obama White House) literally tried to overthrow President Trump, to remove him from office, to replace him with a Democrat-Bolshevik government.

ALL these FBI, DOJ and CIA agents who orchestrated this should go to jail.
ALL the Obama and Clinton and Biden officials who orchestrated this should go to jail.
And the guards in jail who mistreated the January 6th prisoners, and other Catholics, PTA parents, and peaceful pro-life acttivists arrested as prisoners, who were arrested for pure political reasons (i.e., for opposing Democrats) and put in awful jails, beaten in their cells, unable to even shave and bathe, with filthy water and toilets that didn't flush (deliberately), to further torment them. Jail conditions these Democrat-Bolsheviks wouldn't subject Al Qaida prisoners to. But such is their hatred for Trump supporters and other conservatives.

ALL the FBI agents who have exhibited Comey, McCabe or Strzok-level Democrat zealotry in their conversations and social media posts who participated in 6 AM arrests and prosecution of Trump officials, of Jan 6th protesters, of peaceful pro-life activists, of peaceful Catholics, of peaceful parents who just spoke at PTA meetings, should GO TO JAIL, or at the very least be fired with no severance pay or pension benefits.
In any other country, they would be put up against a wall and shot for this level of tyranny.