Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Yes partisans can create legal arguments and write books on anything for their hungry audiences. I suspect these will hold up in court as well as Trump’s legal arguments for the 2020 election. And it’s pretty apparent what you want with the justice system WB. You have many many pages of angry crazed rants telling everyone what you crave. It’s not justice.

1) "partisans can create legal arguments and write books on anything for their hungry audiences."

Are Alan Dershowiz, and Jonathan Turley (THE TWO MOST RESPECTED LEGAL MINDS IN THE UNITED STATES, and LIFELONG LIBERAL DEMOCRATS, by the way) "partisans" who "write books on anything for their hungry audiences"? lol

Your argument falls apart under its own weight, as obviously untrue and ridiculous. These are not Republicans writing red meat rhetoric to be read only by a partisan Republican audience. They are lifelong DEMOCRATS.
And the most respected legal minds of their time.
And the Obama/Biden Democrat weaponization of the DOJ and FBI against Republicans (and reaally everybody who dissents) is so egregious that EVEN THEY, Dershowitz and Turley, as DEMOCRATS, even they are compelled to protest in their writings and televised interviews against the clear Democrat- Bolshevik abuses of FBI, DOJ, appointed special investtigations and other lawfare against innocent Republicans.

Dershowitz has further called it, and repeatedly, nothing short of modern McCarthyism.

2) " I suspect these [Trump case verdicts] will hold up in court as well as Trump’s legal arguments for the 2020 election."

ALL the legal minds I cited say the opposite, that these cases against Trump are so egregiously unfair and unconstitutional, that they will inevitably be overturned, once they rise to appeals courts outside he deeply leftist-corrupt New York court system.
Why do you love OBVIOUS corrupt unfair rulings so much, M E M?

3) "And it’s pretty apparent what you want with the justice system WB."

No, absolutely untrue. I want the justice system to return tto the fair and impartial standard that existed before the Obama- Biden years, a which point all these federal agencies were politically weaponized.

YOU want DOJ and FBI and IRS to be weapons for the Democrats to persecute and torment any dissenters, whether Republican, Independent, or even Democrat: Rod Balagoyovich, NY city mayor Eric Adams, Tulsi Gabbard, Rudy Giuliani, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ANYONE who dares to step outside the Democrat-Bolshevik party line.
Even the case of Sen. Robert Menendez, where he has been blatantly corrupt for a long time, the Democrat-Bolshevik machine protected him for years, and only unleashed the DOJ and FBI to prosecute him when he stepped outside the party line and criticized Biden's open-border policy.

Likewise Eric Adams.

Putting Tulsi Gabbard under national security risk investigation, and on a no-fly list.
Trump and Republicans want to return to equal and impartial justice. In the age of Democrat-Bolshevism, I don't know if that genie can ever be put back in the bottle.

4) "You have many many pages of angry crazed rants telling everyone what you crave. It’s not justice."

And by "crazed rants", you mean cited and sourced facts, from the most respected legal minds (Dershowitz, Turley) and respected and award winning investigative journalists of our time (Glenn Greenwald, Lara Logan, Matt Taibbi, Sheryl Attkisson, John Solomon, Mollie Hemingway, Alex Berenson, etc.) . Who are truly independent journalists, and willing to risk heir careers to report and expose the truth.

What YOU advocate is not justice. What I advocate, actually IS justice !!!!!

Cited and sourced.

Your arguments, M E M are just baseless insults and slanders, such as "Trump is a baby", and "Trump is Hitler" and the completely baseless "Trump is a threat to democracy", that your Democrat-Bolshevik party fronts as a narrative, with absolutely nothing to back it up.

Even as YOUR OWN PARTY arrests and intimidates journalists like James Rosen.
And tries to shut down and de-platform whole news organizations, as Obama did with Fox News.
As Biden further attempted against One America News, and Newsmax.

Even as YOUR PARTY has put thousands in jail in the last 8 years.
1,500 overwhelmingly peaceful January 6th protesters.
Hundreds more peaceful pro-life activists, peaceful parents arrested for just speaking out against "woke" indoctrination in schools of their children.

YOUR PARTY using FBI to arrest and maliciously prosecute/bankrupt at least a dozen Trump cabinet officials.

All these groups of conservative dissenters and leaders, arrested in completely unnecessary FBI show arrests, in 6 AM raids a gunpoint (when FBI could have just been called by FBI and asked to appear at an appointed time with a lawyer).
YOURS is the Democrat-Bolshevik party that craves injustice, weaponization of federal agencies, denial of Constitutional rights, and inhuman treatment of its imprisoned political opponents, held in dirty prison conditions and without court trial or conviction, some beaten in their cells, done precisely to humiliate and torment them, as some kind of vindictive hate-filled political payback.
YOU PROJECT ON ME and other Trump supporters EXACTLY, and I mean EXACTLY what your party has done with political power for at least the last 16 years since 2009.
he difference is, your side actually wants to do these things, but YOUR SIDE REALLY DOES. and HAS, for 16 years.
It's called projection.

And that is why it terrifies me, the prospect that your party could EVER have federal power again.
And your party has doubled, tripled, quadrupled down on the same vindictive leftist radicalism at every turn, even since Trump was elected in November. The Democrat-Bolsheviks have no repentance, no self-awareness of their enormously unpopular rejection by voters of their power-grabs, but elected Democrats and their zealotts in the FBI and media continue to make it clear they would still do all the same Bolshevik things, and things even more radical, if these Democrats ever gain power again.

But yeah, I "don't want justice", yeah, right. rolleyes
Says the Bolshevik foot soldier.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.