I picture the vampires in Castle Dracula hanging around their mailbox, waiting for their Social Security checks to arrive.
Acting head of Social Security Administration, Michelle King (her photo at the CNN link), a 30 year employee and obviously as head, had full authority to look at the complete records a SSA, that she wanted to prevent Elon Musk and his DOGE crew from investigating. And either she is utterly incompetent, or utterly corrupt, to not see that 20.789 million receiving benefits are over 100 years old, many of them 130, 150, 200, or even 360 years old !
Even someone otherwise incompetent would see millions of names and ages far too old to plausibly be alive to collect Soc Sec benefits. Even a moron in charge would see these and stop benefits to people far older than the oldest known living human. And we are supposed to believe a senior Social Security Administration employee with 30 years experience in that organization didn't know this?!?
Only a Democrat-Bolshevik with a hidden agenda would leave those names on the books receiving benefits.
Feigning outrage that DOGE was coming in to review the SSA books, she resigned, just ahead of being fired, for such incredible corruption/incompetence.
I would LOVE to see her subpoenaed and hauled before House or Senate hearings, to have her answer under oath what she knows about these records and payouts to people who were born between 1665, the Civil War and World War I, and yet are still receiving benefits.
And subpoena a few dozen other high level Social Security Administration employees, under oath, to turn on each other and confess all.
This is reminiscent of the ACORN scandal in 2008-2009, and the obvious corruption and leftist activism in that organization.
This is another rat's nest of Democrat/Leftist corruption in government.
In addition to FBI / DOJ, FEMA, USAID, the IRS, US Postal Service, EPA, ATF, and others, but again, for decades protected, we have only seen the tip of the corruption iceberg.
DOGE has only been investigating for 3 weeks or so, not yet even investigating 1% of the entire Democrat-unionized corrupt federal system's books.
But the Social Security Administration benefits paid out far exceed even the corruption at ACORN, into potentially trillions in fraudulent benefits paid out annually, and far more cumulatively over decades. Likewise the roughly $50 billion annually spent by USAID, FEMA and other agencies barely investigated so far by DOGE, but already revealing billions in corruption.