Operation Choke Point
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Choke_Point Yet another example of the Democrat-Bolshevik weaponization of government against anyone who disagrees with them, to crush all opposition on their way to a one-party Democrat auhoritarian state.
This was back in 2013.
In addittion, Obama's administration tried to shut down (i.e., "de-platform") Fox News, and use federal aagencies to spy on, intimidate, arrest and prosecute reporters, just for investigating and reporting on the Obama administration, just as reporters did every otther White House administration for 100 years.
(And under the Biden administration, Democrat-Bolsheviks at Direct TV, paren company A T & T, and Biden-appointed officials in the FCC further tried to shut down Newsmax, and were more successful in shutting down One America News. And atempt to compleely shut down all dissening media coverage. It sure wasn't for a lack of trying they didn't succeed in doing so.)
The Democrat-Bolsheviks followed that up with the FBI and DOJ in multiple ways spying on and infiltrating the Trump campaign in 2016, and further spying on and attempting to overthrow and depose the elected Trump presidency.
NOT because of any crimes that Trump or his aides committed . Strzok ("There's no 'there' there"), Clinesmith ("Viva la resistence"), and other bad actors, DOZENS of them, in FBI and DOJ
knew they were innocent from the start.
But FBI and DOJ Democrat officials did so just
to frame Trump officials with falsified evidence, just to remove them from positions of power.
And to create false-narrative scandals that would benefit the Democrat-Bolshevik party in the 2018 and 2020 elections.
- They imprisoned Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, and others knowing they were innocent, just to get a political win for the Democrat-Bolsheviks and create the illusion of Republican scandal, when it was THEM, THE DEMOCRATS who were ijn fact the ones who were breaking the law and corrupty weaponizing federal agencies against their Republican opposition.
- FBI further sending foreign assets into the Trump campaign as bait, to further try and entrap Trump officials into buying taking fake Russian intel, from Josef Mifsud, Stefan Halper, Nalalya Veselnetskaya and others, to approach and sell fake Russian intelligence to Jorge Pappadapoulos, to Donald Trump Jr. and to others, who did not take the bait.
In the case of Trump official and lawyer Michael Caputo, he reported the offer to the FBI, that he did not know was an FBI sting operation, and he in retrospect sees they were disappointed he didn't take the bait, and so FBI did nothing about it. - James Comey, as FBI director, deliberately leaked FBI classified documents to a friend and college professor, to get a media scandal going in the media about the Russia Dossier, that fellow deep state Democrat-Bolshevik agent (then assistant attorney general, and acting A.G.) Rod Rosenstein appointed the Mueller special investtigation, made up of 16 Democrat partisan Trump-hating lawyers, most of whom were large Democrat campaign donors, and one (Jeannie Rhee) came directly from the Clinton Foundation, where her job was to suppress FOIA requests. CLEARLY a nice neutral group of lawyers, dedicated to finding he ruth, and oh, DEFINITELY NOT selling a Democra narrative and suppressing the true facs.
They knew immediately in the first month (March 2017) there was no wrongdoing by Trump or his staff, no Russia collusion. But they stretched and prolonged the investigation till late 2019, to influence and create he appearance of scandal to benefit the Democras in the 2018 election. And kept he narraive going with an ambiguous final reprt, o influence the Nov 2020 election as well. - Hundreds of illegally unmasked Republicans in FISA surveillance reports, by Samantha Powers, Susan Rice and others in the Obama administration, quite possibly even Obama himself.
- FBI's "Crossfire Hurricane investigation.
- Using ATF to frame gun retailers for allegedly selling firearms to Mexican Drug cartels, That THEY TEMSELVES, DEMOCRATS IN ATF, were selling to Mexican drug cartels, that got dozens of people killed, including two border patrol agents.
All faked, so Obama could rationalize a crackdown on gun retailers, under false pretenses.
And now under Elon Musk and his DOGE (Dept of Government Efficiency), it has been revealed that Democrats have corruptly used USAID, Social Security Administration and other federal agencies to create HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars in fake earmarks, all diverted to fund Democrat-Leftist fake organizations, that are in fact just slush funds to enrich Democrat friends (such as Stacie Abrams, $2 billion allotted to her made-up fake nonprofit alone) and to other Democrat friends, NGO's and other ideological brethren, who beyond just exploiting and getting rich on corruptly misused tax dollars, are also NGO's, non-profit agencies and leftist advocacy groups like ACORN, NOW, BLM, and Planned Parenthood, that all help Democrats to get re-eleced year afer year. One hand washes the other.
And with all this massive corruption exposed, this is still just the tip of the corrupt, Democrat-weaponized federal iceberg.
And the only thing the M E M's and other Democrats are outraged about is that it's no longer hidden, and that Trump and Elon Musk are making everyone aware of it, and shutting it down. .
I would say the Democrats should be ashamed, but they once again prove they are utterly incapable of feeling shame.
They are ruthless Bolsheviks to the core, and there is nothing they won't do, no evil by their leaders they won't condone, if it will allow them to seize or keep power. .