

Yeah, you just explained why I stopped buying new books about 15 to 20 years ago.

They re-booted all my favorite characters so many times that I no longer recognized them or could keep track of all the re-boots, so I just completely lost interest.
I got tired of giving new titles a shot, and after spending a considerable amount of money, just being consistently disappointed with the new versions I was reading.

Nice wraparound cover, though.

[Linked Image from comicbook.com]

Maybe there's still some great stuff still out there I haven't seen, but I'm frankly tired of paying money for material that consistently disappoints me, to find it worth the effort to keep buying.

Bored with the constantly re-booted new work, I've increasingly in recent years been exploring past eras of comics history, that I find to have a higher ratio of good stuff.
Such as SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN across its entire 20-year run.
And there is extensive past work left to explore, by the likes of O'Neil, Thomas, Moench, Gulacy, Aparo, McGregor, Morrow, Wood, Williamson, Englehart, Infantino, Nino, Kubert, Kirby, Ditko, Dowling, Macklin, Corben, Jaxon, and countless others.

I prefer the work from earlier eras, where they had distinctive styles and innovation, opening up completely new ground
As contrasted with the recent era's constant re-boots and re-treads of the same stories over and over.