im realizing that my name isnt really necessary to be listed as the moderator in everyforum, as i am both lord and master of all of the boards, and, thus, more powerful than all the moderators combined.
and yet...
i leave my name up there, just so's i can virtually mingle with you, my family.
You'll always be the Great Gob to me! All knowing , all powerful, and capable of instilling fear for the most innoculous post imaginable by virtue of the e-mail warning! Those three or four final warnings were always the scariest! It was really refreshing to find out that you actually were like us in thinking, but understandably were limited by your duties as DC Message Board Overseer. Now we kick back, raise hell with one another, or have intelligent conversation and nobody gets bent out of shape! I have really enjoyed my Angwy Batman ranting earlier today and I do so hope JQ knows I'm just messing with him in order for everybody to have fun over on his 'Millionaire' thread on the MISC board. This is a fun board! One I hope can stay that way as it grows with much input from the gentleman Gob who started it all!
-----once over and quite preachy sometimes, aern't I?-------
Franta. Give details please! What boards? Do they call me a "flunky" also? I normally don't rate, but something tells me this time I probably did! When are we BSAMing these boards? I'm off Wed. and Thurs.
From Brodie "What's the deal on this Kamphausen fella? Well, let me just point out that he has surrounded himself with flunkies as of late."
He has a thread here, that says he will give us the scoop on the keepers at Mobius, I asked about our Kampy that was his response. I only assume he means us.
quote:Originally posted by Rob Kamphausen: thats right, he's terrible!!
other than that, tho...
im realizing that my name isnt really necessary to be listed as the moderator in everyforum, as i am both lord and master of all of the boards, and, thus, more powerful than all the moderators combined.
and yet...
i leave my name up there, just so's i can virtually mingle with you, my family.
Your right,you're not neede. Just give me admin status and GET THE HELL OUT by the time I post my next 3 threads(5 minutes)!
quote:Originally posted by THE Franta: here, that says he will give us the scoop on the keepers at Mobius, I asked about our Kampy that was his response. I only assume he means us.
He also says I'm a 46 year old woman from New York. I wouldn't take him too seriously.
I do not recall authorizing this conversation.Any further talk about that poor 46 year old New Yorker will result is punishment. Now get back to posting and your normalstuff.
quote:Originally posted by LLance: You'll always be the Great Gob to me! All knowing , all powerful, and capable of instilling fear for the most innoculous post imaginable by virtue of the e-mail warning! Those three or four final warnings were always the scariest! It was really refreshing to find out that you actually were like us in thinking, but understandably were limited by your duties as DC Message Board Overseer. Now we kick back, raise hell with one another, or have intelligent conversation and nobody gets bent out of shape! I have really enjoyed my Angwy Batman ranting earlier today and I do so hope JQ knows I'm just messing with him in order for everybody to have fun over on his 'Millionaire' thread on the MISC board. This is a fun board! One I hope can stay that way as it grows with much input from the gentleman Gob who started it all!
-----once over and quite preachy sometimes, aern't I?-------
Don't mess with The Angry Batman! He will punch you in the face, and then scurry away!