10. (a)Cucumbers!
(d)Maude whacked out on peyote with cucumber in hand!
9. Captain Howdy Doody Man when he whispers sweet nothings in our ear!
8. Bastie describing his penis!
7. Cheese!
6. Upcoming Chicago jaunt whereupon Franta will brainwash his guests into performing unnatural sex acts!
5. BSAMing as a way of life in Bibboa (or anywhere else!)
4. JQ and Mxy mud wrestling against nude Butterican!
3. Stealing LLance's social security checks!
2. Sticking pins in our SMMII voodoo dolls!
.....and the number one thing that inspires the Nature Boys...
1. The Angry Batman's head on a spike! (Well, at least one of the Nature Boys is inspired by this!)
Thanks to Bibbo for inspiring me to do this second list!
-----once over and may do top ten list for Rob next!--------