Sex for a Better Economy! Health - Reuters
Sex Urged for More Productivity
Thu Nov 14, 6:06 PM ET
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - An international conference on sex started in strait-laced Singapore on Thursday.
And if that wasn't unlikely enough, participants said they may have found a pleasurable way to boost the drooping world economy.
Healthy sex lives make happy workers, who will in turn create a more robust economy, said Emil Ng, sex therapist and founder of the Asian Federation of Sexology.
"Sexual health is not just about absence of diseases or dysfunction.... It is about the ability to enjoy sex," Ng told reporters on the sidelines of the 7th Asian Congress of Sexology. "This will improve the whole nation's well-being and productivity.
"When your economy is down, sexual activity will be lower, not because of sexual problems, but financial problems. This is a vicious cycle."
Experts also said that sexual myths rooted in Asia's diverse religions and cultures could create social problems that spread into an adult's working life.
"In the Asian context, there are more myths and misconceptions surrounding sexuality which can contribute to dysfunction and family disharmony," said Ganesh Adaikan, president of this year's congress.
Sex and the economy also crossed paths in the 1960s when "the Pill" gave women control over reproduction and heralded an influx of women into the workforce, they said.
The 4-day congress has a host of topics on the anvil--the "P spot," the "G spot" and other erogenous zones, enhanced Viagra-like drugs to cure male erectile dysfunction, sexuality after 50 and new dimensions of the Kama Sutra, India's ancient treatise on sex.
Aimed at enhancing awareness of sexual health in Asia, the congress has been held previously in Hong Kong, China, India, Taiwan, South Korea (news - web sites) and Japan.
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[ 11-15-2002, 02:30 AM: Message edited by: Kimi ]