Yahoo! Messenger: Conference mistermxypltk-94954 started.
discostevex: Rypta! You again!
mistermxypltk: We all make a journey toghether!
discostevex: Yes.
rypta_gudn: Disco! My arch nemesis!
discostevex: Super fantastic number one!
mistermxypltk: ...!
discostevex: Let us battle now.
rypta_gudn: Your power big gun is no use fight rypta strong beam!
mistermxypltk: ...!!!
discostevex: All your base are belong to us!\
mistermxypltk: Us...? you mean...?
mistermxypltk: You are one of THEM?
rypta_gudn: Disco meet Rypta battle cosmic power destruction!
discostevex: Never lose destuction power gotta again!
mistermxypltk: Daniel, don't you realize Daniel is way more powerfull than you are?
discostevex: Referee Mxy come no faia!
mistermxypltk: You better give up, Daniel!
mistermxypltk: I say Daniel wins!
rypta_gudn: Daniel never concede Daniel victory! Fight battle imminent!
discostevex: Rumi is in girl's towelroom more once!
mistermxypltk: Daniel, I must admit I have always beem attracted to you...
rypta_gudn: What zany Rumi antics occur new time?
discostevex: Funtime sorcery hijinx!
mistermxypltk: ...!!!
rypta_gudn: Watch magic Rumi fun happen in sudden time now!
discostevex: No oh!
mistermxypltk: Ok, I'm lost.
rypta_gudn: Rumi makes the fun disappear in exploding bubble magic!
discostevex: Translator 3rd grade graduation!
discostevex: FUSION CHAIR BOMB!
mistermxypltk: Cow Twinkie Penis
rypta_gudn: Mxy get lost in fun translator magic sorcery! ZUM!
mistermxypltk: OoooOooOOOoooHhhhHHH...
discostevex: Wozza has befriended personification!
rypta_gudn: ZUM!
discostevex: GAZ!
mistermxypltk: I...
mistermxypltk: AM...
discostevex: IRON MAN!
rypta_gudn: Mxy make big word speak!
mistermxypltk: THE BAT-MAN...
mistermxypltk: WOOOSH!
rypta_gudn: The Bat-Man makes whooshing movement noise in Gotham night time power scenery!
mistermxypltk: Take my THE BAT-Punch, slackers!
discostevex: Wozza has proverbed the final cowardice!
rypta_gudn: ZUM!
discostevex: MUZ!
discostevex: COOM!
mistermxypltk: WOOSH!
discostevex: MOOC!
mistermxypltk: Mxy casts INTOKAURUS!
mistermxypltk: EHO AM...
mistermxypltk: INTOKATAURUS!
discostevex: Mxy word fake effective not!
rypta_gudn: Quiet, you.
mistermxypltk: NO-MXY, INTOKATAURUS!
discostevex: You silence~
discostevex: !!!!!1
mistermxypltk: Aitiheaurus tou...
mistermxypltk: NO! INTERKAUTUS!
discostevex: Anti-thesaurus?
rypta_gudn: Shaddup.
mistermxypltk: Intoformena...?
mistermxypltk: NO!
discostevex: Heh.
discostevex: Yes.
mistermxypltk: Euturo noko...
mistermxypltk: ...!
discostevex: Disco entraps silence attack forefully gentle!
rypta_gudn: Daniel tired of bad Japanese manga translate fun!
mistermxypltk: ...
mistermxypltk: ...
discostevex: Yes, first time funnier!
rypta_gudn: Yes! We stop now!
mistermxypltk: They don't appreciate what we do, don't they?
discostevex: Nope, we don't.
mistermxypltk: It looks like they don't...
discostevex: Nope.
rypta_gudn: Nope.
mistermxypltk: Lets go somewhere else, then.
rypta_gudn: Bastards!
mistermxypltk: OK, honey.
discostevex: Give me the drugs, Mxy..
mistermxypltk: Ask Rypta for them...
mistermxypltk: What have you done! You scared the Dwarfs away!
mistermxypltk: Ny computer is gonna stop working soon!
discostevex: Heh.
rypta_gudn: WHat happened to the nuclear fusion reactor we installed as a back up?!
mistermxypltk: Uh-oh!
mistermxypltk: I spilled se-- milk on it!
discostevex: Heh.
rypta_gudn: NO!
rypta_gudn: IT'S GONNA BLOW!
rypta_gudn: AND TAKE OUT RUSSIA!
mistermxypltk: Who's gonna blow who?
mistermxypltk: OH!
mistermxypltk: I suggest we destroy Russia first!
discostevex: Indeed.
mistermxypltk: What do you think, Dr Strangedisco?
rypta_gudn: Bastards...
discostevex: What ever you say, Mein Fuher... I mean... Mr. President.
mistermxypltk: I say we all sing "We'll meet again" before meeting our doom!
rypta_gudn: If we posted this conversation at the boards, it would probably freak people out.
discostevex: Yes.
discostevex: Should I post our first bad translation thing, too?
mistermxypltk: That's a great idea...
discostevex: AYe.
rypta_gudn: Do you have that lying around somewhere, Disco?
discostevex: Yup.
discostevex: I had to save it.
rypta_gudn: Fantastic. Post it!
rypta_gudn: But where?
discostevex: Ok.
discostevex: Where?
rypta_gudn: And this conference too.
mistermxypltk: Manor!
rypta_gudn: Yay!
discostevex: Ok.
discostevex: How much of it?
mistermxypltk: Wait!
rypta_gudn: All of it!
discostevex: Ok.
mistermxypltk: We should post "We'll meet again" at the end!
rypta_gudn: YAY!
discostevex: So I shall wait until the conference is over.
rypta_gudn: Ehta za-um!
mistermxypltk: You shall.
discostevex: Aye.
mistermxypltk: Let's say goodbye with a smile, dear, Just for a while, dear, we must part. Don't let the parting upset you, I'll not forget you, sweetheart. We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when, But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day. Keep smiling through, just like you always do, 'Til the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away. So will you please say hello to the folks that I know, Tell them I won't be long. They'll be happy to know that as you saw me go, I was singing this song. After the rain comes the rainbow, You'll see the rain go, never fear, We two can wait for tomorrow, Goodbye to sorrow, my dear.
mistermxypltk: Done!
rypta_gudn: Take on me, take me on, I'll be gone, in a day or two!
discostevex: Heh.
discostevex: one night in Bangkok makes the tough guys tumble!
mistermxypltk: Hey, who else thinks Franta sucks?
rypta_gudn: ME!!!!!!!!!!!! FRANTA MUST DIE!!!!!!!! DIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!
mistermxypltk: Yeah!! I just hope he never reads this...
discostevex: Heh.
mistermxypltk: ...!
rypta_gudn: Dammit...
discostevex: Idiots.
mistermxypltk: What did you mean, by "Heh", Disco Steve?
discostevex: Back to the drawing board!
mistermxypltk: Or should I say...
mistermxypltk: AGENT McDWARF!
rypta_gudn: Dun-dun-duuuuuuuuh....
discostevex: You watch too much of The Jackie Chan Adventures, on a KJids WB near you@
mistermxypltk: Give it up, McDwarf! We know it's you!
discostevex: Coming soon, good spelling!
discostevex: don't make me hurt you, Myx.
mistermxypltk: ...!
discostevex: Heh.
mistermxypltk: Dude!
rypta_gudn: Sweet!
mistermxypltk: Dude!!
discostevex: SCrew you guy! I'm goin home!
discostevex: I really should proofread these things...
mistermxypltk: cmon dude don' b like that dude
mistermxypltk: yknow why u shouldnt b like that, dude?
rypta_gudn: coz MTV RULZ!
mistermxypltk: u damn right, dude!
mistermxypltk: and why does it rule?
rypta_gudn: coz mtv sez so
mistermxypltk: u damn right, dude!
rypta_gudn: sweet
mistermxypltk: Dude! Lets go to a McDonalds!
discostevex: who liks nsynk?
rypta_gudn: mcdonaldz makes me feel good like when we used to climb the rope in gym class.
mistermxypltk: they r KeWl!
discostevex: no they r sux
mistermxypltk: Nuh-uh!
discostevex: Heh.
mistermxypltk: They r rulez, u wanna know why?
rypta_gudn: mcdonalds dont suck they make me feel with their low low prices and their quality meals with taste and deliciousness.
discostevex: y
rypta_gudn: why man why
mistermxypltk: u tell him why, dude
mistermxypltk: edukate him, dude
rypta_gudn: coz mtv sez so!
mistermxypltk: U DAMN RIGHT!
mistermxypltk: Enough!
discostevex: Donde estas mis pantelones?
mistermxypltk: Estan en tu cabeza, Esteban del Disco!
discostevex: Watashi wa Sumisu-san desu.
mistermxypltk: Oh, you don't want me to call INTOKATAURUS; do you?
rypta_gudn: ehta za-um!
discostevex: your fake Japanese isn't welxome here.
mistermxypltk: Damn... fascists!
rypta_gudn: It's not Japanese! I think it's Russian.
mistermxypltk: Her der muggen!
discostevex: It's Taiwanese.
mistermxypltk: It's FASCISTESE!
rypta_gudn: ehtah za-um is what the Russian chick says in Green Lantern
rypta_gudn: : The New Corps
discostevex: Pervert.
discostevex: I can't believe you know that.
mistermxypltk: I know a lot of things too!
rypta_gudn: I... I own both issues....
rypta_gudn: *sob*
discostevex: I have the first one.
discostevex: Didn't bother to track down the second issue.
rypta_gudn: It was kinda crap.
discostevex: Heh.
rypta_gudn: Chuck Dixon is a hack.
mistermxypltk: I don't have any of them! HA!
discostevex: True.
discostevex: I must return to the comic retailer.
rypta_gudn: As must I, when I get the birthday money my mother promised me.
rypta_gudn: Though I think they're sold out of one or two things I want.
discostevex: I must spend my allowence on something other than video games...
mistermxypltk: Then go to , the biggest comic retailer in the web!
discostevex: Don't make me hurt you, Mxy.
rypta_gudn: I may have to. They're all out of Daredevil 14 and Marvel Boy 6.
mistermxypltk: Their N.I.C.E. system rocks!
discostevex: Daredevil 14? Let me guess, that just came out this month.
mistermxypltk: AND 30% sell every two months!
discostevex: I probably have issue 13, bought 3 months ago.
rypta_gudn: No, I think 15 came out this month.
discostevex: Heh.,
rypta_gudn: I think it was 14, anyway. The first one that I need.
mistermxypltk: Besides, you get an extra 20% if you are a N.I.C.E. member (only in backissue numbers)
rypta_gudn: Yahoo is telling me that I can get Gladiator for 49 cents.
mistermxypltk: Me too.
mistermxypltk: Damn fascists!
rypta_gudn: I think it's lying.
discostevex: Yes.
discostevex: Maybe it's a real gladiator.
rypta_gudn: How about I create a forum that's solely for me to post chats that I've had with people?
discostevex: Yes.
discostevex: I'll post all of mine.
rypta_gudn: Perhaps. "Own a Spanish guy with a sword for 49c. He'll do your every will! He cooks! He cleans! He fights tigers!"
discostevex: There we go.
mistermxypltk: the link probably take you to some fascist site that will melt your brain
discostevex: Heh.
mistermxypltk: That happened to me once.
rypta_gudn: Or maybe we get to meet Russel Crowe.
rypta_gudn: He liked VB, you know.
discostevex: VB?
mistermxypltk: "Find your next apartment without leaving home!" now that seems intresting!
discostevex: Heh.
mistermxypltk: who's VB?
mistermxypltk: Vibe?
mistermxypltk: Rypta? Rypta?? Did they get you???
discostevex: Heh.
mistermxypltk: My God, I bet he clicked the damn link!!
discostevex: Yeah, Rypta, did they get chu?
rypta_gudn: VB is Victoria Bitter. A beer.
discostevex: Heh.
discostevex: Riight...
rypta_gudn: A shit beer, but a beer nonetheless.
mistermxypltk: Oh.
discostevex: Indeed.
mistermxypltk: Jose Cuervo! Jose Cuervo!
discostevex: Heh.
rypta_gudn: I'M JOSE CONSECO! Please keep in mind that I have no idea how to spell that name.
rypta_gudn: But spelling is overrated.
mistermxypltk: highly.
mistermxypltk: Who's JOSE CONSECO?
discostevex: Sounds familiar.
rypta_gudn: Dunno. I think he's a baseball player. Jim Carrey shouted it out in Liar Liar.
rypta_gudn: The height of cinematic masterpieces.
mistermxypltk: A relative of Francisco DeAlgo?
mistermxypltk: I watched Don Juan DeMarco today.
discostevex: Yeah, I think hge is a ball player.
mistermxypltk: Don Juan DeMarco?
rypta_gudn: YES!
discostevex: No, Jose conseco.
mistermxypltk: Oh...
mistermxypltk: Don Juan would be a great BB player...
discostevex: Don't lie, boy.
mistermxypltk: Hey, do you want me to sing songs in spanish?
mistermxypltk: Yes!
mistermxypltk: Yes!
mistermxypltk: Ok, Ok...
discostevex: Tu para bailar La Bamba.
mistermxypltk: Estoy parado sobre la muralla que divide
todo lo que fué de lo que será.
Estoy mirando como aquellas viejas ilusiones
pasando la muralla se hacen realidad.
Pero como el amor de ayer,
pero como el amor de ayer,
vuelve a desaparecer,
Estoy parado sobre la muralla que divide
todo lo que amé de lo que amaré.
Estoy mirando como mis heridas se cerraron
y como se desangra un nuevo corazón.
Pero como el amor de ayer,
pero como el amor de ayer,
vuelve a desaparecer,
Estoy parado sobre la muralla que divide
todo lo que fue de lo que será.
Estoy mirando como aquella vieja psicodelia
estoy fijándome como viene y va.
Pero como el amor de ayer,
pero como el amor de ayer,
vuelve a desaparecer,
rypta_gudn: Marry me Mxy!
mistermxypltk: Kay!
mistermxypltk: Disco, would you marry us?
discostevex: Sure, what the hell.
mistermxypltk: Ok, lets start...
rypta_gudn: Disco, I think you have to start off.
mistermxypltk: Yes.
mistermxypltk: Oh no-- they got him now...
discostevex: I like pie.
mistermxypltk: ...!
rypta_gudn: I do.
mistermxypltk: I do
discostevex: Indeed.
mistermxypltk: >SMACK<
discostevex: Heh.
discostevex: What?
mistermxypltk: ...?
discostevex: Eh?
discostevex: Sou desu ne?
mistermxypltk: You desire me?
rypta_gudn: DEAR GOB YES!
discostevex: Heh.
rypta_gudn: How 'bout it, Mxy? You wanna be my bitch?
mistermxypltk: K!
discostevex: Eh?
mistermxypltk: I mean, K, matey!
rypta_gudn: Awwwww, yeah!
discostevex: Hhe.
mistermxypltk: So...
discostevex: Indeed.
discostevex: I must leave soon.
mistermxypltk: Yeah...
rypta_gudn: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
discostevex: I must depart now.,
discostevex: Bye,.
rypta_gudn: Bye
mistermxypltk: Bye!