Originally posted by THE bsams:
...i think the boys will venture outside to natureboy against the world...im shure when athanon returns some boys will raid...but yer right its all the fun is in pushing the envelope, and im shure we will there as we have everywhere....im just glad the bulk of the boys have settled somewhere itd been a shame if all that the nb's where was the manor...but it proved my point we made the manor not the other way round.....dave still hasnt stopped by to say hi to me....
Kind of busy elsewhere...
Besides, in our surprisingly civil exchange of e-mails, I said "Adios", remember?Everyone got sick of the fighting, including me. I leave the NBs in your hands, as their spiritual leader. I'll be sending Redrob your way.
I have to admit, it was a nice show of solidarity for Franta.
Mad Bard - I have a commercial proposition. Will you e-mail me?