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I'm taking a sabbatical of my badgering,bullying and berating the asses in ODCUT crying for a 'Hypercrisis' to come in and 'fix' continuity to sit back and reminisce about the last official continuity fixer (The Kingdom didn't'fix' anything, it merely provided a rationale as to why things no longer need fixing...it's a wholetogether different can of worms) Let's examine the 'Major' impact of the DCU additions from Zero Hour: DC needed 'Dark Corners' to replace the somewhat grim and mysterious Vertigo line which had recently divorced itself from the DCU. The solution? Primal Force- cancelled before hitting a year and half. It had....Red Tornado, jack O Lantern and a water chick hanging out with Dr Mist doing....stuff. Impact? none. Manhunter- Cancelled at issue 12, this book took a DC legacy namesake, divorced it from the premise, then spit in the face of fans everywhere. Chase 'bawlbag' Lawler was the most dangerous whining guitarist in the world ever to be disabled by a taser weilding Dr of Philosophy. Impact? Minimal, except that fans cries were answered by the return of Mark Shaw(who has promptly vanished). Fate- Goodbye 'tired,dated and lame' Dr Fate, hello Immoral ,wisecracking Fate. Goodbye flash in the pan Fate, hello 'Classic' Dr fate. Impact? zip. The only place these 'dark corners' really show up in anymore is in the JSA(more on that later) Next up...the 3 generations of Heroes in the DCU. Zero Hour was to give us a clean cut , three generation tier of Heroes. The golden,silver, and modern. This was doomed from the start. Answer: Titans and the JSA. Editors wanted the JSA put on inactive duty to make the SA guys look older and seasoned to the modern characters, and writers began feverishly writing loopholes to keep their pet geriatric on active duty. Meanwhile, on the other end of the Spectrum, we have Titans who have been on active duty longer than their Patrons have been in costume according to the then current 10 year timeline. The JSA. Aging, De-aging, Killing off, bringing back dead guys long enough to pass the name off on hip new guys. I've redubbed the post Zero Hour JSA 'Just Some Asses'. And for every Jack Knight or Hourman we get from this phenom, we got 4 or 5 Sands. There's a reason this ain't your dad's JSA...and that's because it 'isn't' anyone your dad would have read about. Think about it, you've been fighting a war in a close knit group for oh....say 5 tours of duty. You see a lot of your close buddies in your squad die, and then you see someone else casually grab their dogtasg and begin recieving your friends benefits in their stead..how would YOU feel? Chances are, if you're in the JSA, you'd invite them to your house for Lemonade and then ask if they want to capture ding dong daddy before or after the weenie roast. This 'changing of the guard' mentality that has wracked the Just Some Asses began when? Zero Hour. more forthcoming
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im on pins and needles...
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Man, I remember when comics used to be fun... ------------------ Spreadin' the gospel of Gob...
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im divided on the issue. i hate the constant whining of others to "bring back the old jsa/jla/gl/supergirl, etc, etc" seen it, done it, now, we're past it. comics should be allowed to evolve. i never liked that superman and batman, for exmaple, were treated as "icons," and thus, could not be altered. why does batman wear blue panties? because he always has. ....what?!?! i mean, perhaps, that worked back in the day, but, today's stories are more modern and "believable." the happy time blue n'gray costume needs to be ditched. ... however ... sometimes i think i might relate. batman is definitly my favorite character. but, with the current success of batman beyond... we could actually be looking at the not-too-distant future of the character. the cartoon is a cash success. soon, a dvd movie will be released, also pulling in the cash. following that, there are more and more rumors of the next batman movie being based on beyond (and, perhaps, written by the man, dini, himself). and, sure, its a long shot, but... its possible "my" batman could be ousted, in favor of this new batman. and, i think if that were to happen, i too would sit, shirtless, typing my upset posts all night long. sending never-to-be-read emails and snail mails to various writers and editors about my discontent. ...yeah, shirtless. ------------------ i have spoken
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Comics should evolve Rob, I agree with you 1000% percent. Characters should grow, change, and improve with the passage of time. Eventually, we should see a story with a competent Ray mastering his powers,or that seasoned tactician Mitch Shelly training the JLA. To me, the JSA hasn't evolved, it has denigrated to just another JLA spinoff, filled with people wearing the suits and saying the names, but no real personality behind it. There's only 2 people holding us back: Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne. The DCU exists in a weird form of stasis, and it's primarily there to keep these 2 guys 'fresh and young', second tier characters be damned. Which brings us to the next point in my hatefest of this event: Second tier characters who were ruined by Zero Hour. The Atom- he's a teen, he's a scientist. He's thritysomething.Thank God they finally undid this stroke of brillance.Impact of Teen Atom? nil.
Hawkman. The sad part is, Hawkman USED to be a headliner. DC placed him in the 80's as one of their core characters. Now, he's been mired to a point that DC stopped using him in stories? How did the Hawkman trouble start? Because of events reflected in Superman.
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i never liked hawkman. why? for one very specific reason: he has wings. and, yet, thats not why he can fly. that pissed me off, even as a child, to no end. well, dhaise, are you indicating your dislike for supes n'bats? would you rather have them "die out," in favor of newer versions? or, do you like them, and, what them around for future generations? while i still think things should evolve, that in no way has to mean they need to get older. i think, more than hating zero hour, continuity simply is a major problem. all the dcu characters are trapped in the same one. nightwing aged about 8 years (from robin to nightwing) in about 5 years our time. meanwhile, everyone else, INCLUDING batman and people dick interacted with, stayed relatively unchanged. im not saying get rid of continuity. just dumb it down a few shades, and relax. but, i needs me my batman. i dont care if he's impossibly eternally in his prime. ------------------ i have spoken
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I have no problem with an 'eternaly young' Batman or Superman, I have problems with the 'eternally young' at the expense of other characters. Comic age need not be addressed at all...but if it IS adressed, it needs to be applied uniformally. If Grayson gets to age, so does Batman. If Superman gets to have a decade of experience under his belt, so should Dinah Lance. Continuity implies an internal order, and the DC has none, despite its claims of continuity. Slap an 'elseworlds' logo on the Legion of Superheroes and you'll have a monthly book that sells fine. Try placing it inside 'the original universe' and watch it re-invent and retell the same origin story over and over again. They fucked Hawkman up. A cornerstone character. And why did they fuck him up? Trying to 'fix him' in relation to Superman. Superman and Batman may be the moneymakers, but there are other aspects to the DCU I find more interesting, and if a character is completely viable and entertaining, they shouldn't have to be shitcanned because 'in Superman we established that there were another set of Hawkman because we screwed up and used them improperly' etc etc. Editors used to watch for these things, and with all the hoopla about 'the neverending story being told monthly' they seem more focused on 'hey kids, you need to pick up issue XXXX of book XXXX next to follow the story' instead of making sure the stories fit together correctly. And when enough of these sloppy stories gather up, we get a Book like Zero Hour, which weakens the entire thing
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agreed. the continuity bit should be greatly relaxed. getchyer hawkman, n'slap'em in a book for all i care. hawkman dudn't havta exist in my batman world. but, i can see how it wouldnt be fair to you if he didnt exist CUZ of my batman world. ...even if the dumbass has pointless-wings. but, even beyond that whole universe continuity bit, like hawkboy not existing, or, zero hour titles... i always thought jla editor's had a big ass problem on their hands, handling 7 (or more) seperate screwed up story lines. morrison, at one point, had this really cool story lined up about the anti-jla creating all these mirror image jla members that were evil. an evil batman, ww, superman, etc. except, by the time the story came around, flash had a broken leg and ww was dead. so, the whole great potential is lost. later on, superman fights an angel, which would have been this really cool bout...except now he's electro supes. in either case, it would have been much easier to just use the better versions on the characters. continuity be damned. ------------------ i have spoken
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Exactly! for 11 months out of the year, we have writers and editors doing whatever the hell they want to these characters, and then (usually during a 5th week event) there's this mad rush to try and give this world some sort of cohesive order. 'y'see people, THIS is how it all ties together....' We don't NEED Superman and Batman tying in with a universe from the dawn of time to the 30th century , we really don't NEED to explain why he wasn't in World War 2, we don't need to know what his impact on the Legion was(will be). We just need asskicking stories. And more often than not, the chancy stories will come in from the second tier characters. Nobody bothered asking why the Korean war ran for over a decade in MASH, they just accepted it in the context of a story. DC is very quick to try and cram 50 years into some magic decade of adventure and the results are pretty incredulous. Emerald twilight, zero hour, genesis, underworld and the final night were all crammed into the same year last time I checked. So was the death of superman, Knightfall, etc etc. And that's just the recent 'big stuff'. Do we REALLY need to be able to account for all 365 days in a DC year? No, we just want to see the ones that matter.
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unfortunately... things dont look like they're gonna change. the whole "secret files" thing was pretty much the nail in the coffin. denny o'neil, amongst other big names, are really into the whole "set continuity" shpeal. very unfortunate. ------------------ i have spoken
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secret files that once appeared with the character bios on dccomics.com have since been removed (or will be removed). the section is being updated, but at this time, its not apparent as to whether this is an information update, or a site aesthetics update.
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Actually, the Hawkman problem wasn't because of Superman. The appereances in Superman titles were minor: first an Action Comics issue with Hawkman and Hawkwoman as guest-stars (that was a tie-in to a storyline developing in a short-lived 1986 Hawkman series), where Superman helps them, and then a Superman issue in wich the Hawks help him back. The main problem was that Hawkman and Hawkwoman joined Giffen's JLI for a short while. When Tim Truman did "Hawkworld", he stated that the Hawks didn't appear on earth until that moment, so they couldn't have joined the League before that. When John Ostrander tried to fix the Hawkman continuity problems on a Hawkworld issue, he did it by explaining how a Hawkman and a Hawkwoman joined the league if there were no Hawkman and Hawkwoman at that time. The Superman issues were just left out of continuity like the 1986 Hawkman series. Yes, there has been whining from the fans about the Hawkman and Hawkwoman appearing on that Superman issues, but DC never did anything to explain it. [ 02-22-2002: Message edited by: I'm Not Mister Mxypltk ]
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quote: Originally posted by Rob Kamphausen: in either case, it would have been much easier to just use the better versions on the characters. continuity be damned.
Yes! I always thought JLA should throw out continuity... It makes no sense when you apply continuity... if it did, the world's population would be reduced in every other DC book due to the Maggedon story line... The Electric Superman fighting Asmodel always bothered me... what's next? "Look! It's Superman Red arm-wrestling God!"
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