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I decided to skip all the old standby's Like Two Face, the Joker, Poison Ivy and Ra's to tout the horn of my favorite Batman villain.
Floyd Lawton gave bats a run for his money every single time they crossed paths. His costume contrasted perfectly with Batman's, his flagrant use of the Hated gun made his every encounter with Wayne memorable. With the Suicide Squad out of action, here's hoping Rucka brings Deadshot into GC.

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Floyd would be cool if I could stop thinking of him as a barber!

Make mine Joker!

Always have and will love Joker, the more the better as far as I am concerned. ALthough I must admit when he used to get "killed" and later came back was pretty cool to. You never knew when he'd pop up as a surprise! But the writers would often forget to explain how he survived!

Not forgetting the famous team up of Joker and the Bat-Man teaming up in Brave & Bold another great story was the team up with Green Arrow and the Atom! All against Joker!

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1) definitly ra's al ghul. the #1 villain.

he's just so frickin cool! and all the tie-ins between he and batman (with talia)... very cool. incredibly character, very well thought out. he's super smart, super strong, and super powerful. great bad guy.

2) azrael.

yeah, he's a good guy now, but, he sucks. stories are pretty boring. the guy is an assassin "struggling" with being a good guy? bah! how many more issues are gonna have leslie tell him not to use violence. then, what the hell is the point?

he'd be SUCH a cool bad guy. got all that history in the character. great costume design, too (either the original az costume, or the azbat costume. not the new and current bataz costume). incredible potential there. definite foe for batman. they could even have jean paul be an unwilling servent to azrael. jean paul doesnt wanna do bad things, but, azrael over powers him and takes control.

3) villains in BTAS form.

btas just does it better. no 60 years of continuity to f' it up.
> one clayface -- and, a GREAT clayface.
> scarecrow -- from the newer btas. acts and looks frickin rediculously scary!
> two-face -- actually has a split (sometimes good, sometimes bad), instead of the comics "always bad" version. plus, harvey dent was a good friend to bruce wayne in btas (and, now, in "the long halloween"), which makes the character more tragic and well thought out.
> mr. freeze -- he was only in, what, 3 episodes? 1 from btas, 1 from the b&r, 1 from new btas. but, each one rocked. specifically the first one. INCREDIBLE character. only dini could take some shmuck back up villain and make him great.

thats all i can think of, for now.

i have spoken

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When I was little and watched the tv show I loved the Joker and Riddler...though the Jim Carrey thing really got to me... I still love the Joker too. I hate clowns yet there is something about the Joker. And not the "Oh look at me I am being silly" but rather the more dark and sinister style Joker.

...maybe because it is how I would imagine myself if I ever became a clown.


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Mr Freeze...further proof that TAS series guys have(had) more on the ball than the books and live action guys.
'Sub Zero' had the Mr Freeze arnie could only pretend to be.

Azrael is my favorite character in the Bat mythos, and O'Neil has recieved plenty of hate mail/constructive criticism from me for quite some time now. Since Knighstend, they really haven't known what to do with him.

And how did JLA manage to tell the best Batman story in ages? Ra' of the few 70's villains worth keeping. Damn he rocks.

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i agree, clowns are pretty freaky, yes. and, i also agree that i, too, like the sinister, dark version of the joker. ...but, i also like the funnier version.

i actually think the joker was handled well in the 1989 batman film. mebbe not his origin, or history, or whatever. but, his actions. plus, jack is the man.

other than that, of course, btas did him well. they might have strayed a bit towards the lighter side, but, that luke skywalker joker laugh really gave me the creeps. in a good sorta way. once and again, btas rocks.

as for the riddler, he's WAAAAY over due to either be completely revamped, or killed off. there was, i think, one good riddler episode on (gasp!) btas, where the riddler made his own toys. i liked that one. and, of course, the first btas gave him a GOOD suit! (gasp again!) but, other than that, he's really useless. penguin (altho, only recently) evolved very nicely. the riddler needs to as well.


i thought azrael's intro was cool (sword of the azrael). and, i kinda liked the whole knightsxxxx thing. i thought the ending was cool, the real batman outthinking azbats. but, i definitly wanted to see jean paul get his azz kicked.

anyway... he'd definitly be a cooler bad guy. he's an incredible character, but, there's no room for him to be a good guy. he just cant develop with those limitations. let him explode! cut loose! literally! he'd make an incredible bad guy. and, thats something i dont know if comics has ever done. take an existing character (who has lasted for atleast 5 years) and turn him bad. (it'd be like a wrestling swerve. hulk hogan to hollywood)which would make it even MORE interesting.

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I've pitched at least 2 different proposals involving Azrael......they'll have to pry him out of O'Neils cold,dead fingers....if the character survives his current 'flunky of the bat' incarnation.
O'Neil has expressed boredom and dissatisifcation with where Azrael is as a character...
Well, that's funny, considering he's the ONLY ass who gets to work with the character. A Number of fans(myself included) have been saying this exact thing for 40 issues now.
When a writer can't keep 'interested' in a character he created, it's time to hand over the keys or put the baby to bed.

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i like denny's writing style, and, think he's got some good stuff. ...but not good enough to continue a monthly book.

insider tip. look for him to retire as main bat editor within a year. (dunno what that'll mean for his azrael writing tho).

so... whutchya think of my idea? turnin' az bad?

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Yeah, I heard the same thing regarding O'Neil. I heard they were grooming Schreck to take his place.
I wouldn't mind seeing Az go bad, it certainly would be more interesting than watching him be Nightwing Jr, or fighting killer mimes.

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i know im biased cuz, well, its my idea, but... i dunno. just sounds really cool to me.

i really dont think its ever been done before, to have an existing character change "sides" like that.

that, alone, would make it intriguing, pump new life into the character. plus, it adds such a cool, and indepth villain to batman's gallery. az already has all that history to his character, which makes him so cool, so, he'd instantly be one of the top baddies.

plus, just think of the cool batman/azrael confrontations!! SO very intense, because of their already established relationship.

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I`d pick the Riddler if he was portrayed just like Frank Gorshin in the old Bats tv series!!
I`d also have to choose Two Face,as he is probably the most complex Bat-villain if handled properly (He & Bats used to be friends)!!

I personally think turning Jean Paul bad would be a mistake as it would make him look disposable!!
Now Batgirl,I`d pay to see her turn bad!!

My main gripe in the Bat-world at the moment is this whole killer attitude they`ve given Catwoman!!

The Joker in my opinion has been used far too much,& has lost most of his potency!
When he used to "die",& you didnt know when he`d pop up next,added that air of anticipation,where as now its a case of ho hum here`s another Joker story!!

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Currently, Jean Paul is disposable. He is doing nothing that couldn't be handled by anyone else in the batcast.
When O'neil launched this book, we were told Azrarel would be carving out his own niche in the DCU, and have his own role to fufill.

It's apparently not as the Avenging Angel of Saint Dumas, as this 'secret society of under a dozen surviving men' has been destroyed/crippled twice now.(and suprisingly enough, seems to be getting bigger all the time, even before Lihly was reduced to off-panel 'rebuilding it status'.
It's apparently not as 'Agent of the Bat' since Oracle,Batgirl, Robin, and Nightwing all perform the same functions for Bruce. What does Az do that's unique from them? Nothing.
He's not (despite Azboard mainstays ferverent proclamations) Batman's understudy or protege. Bruce usually ignores JP....however the latest Batgirl can be frequently seen in the Batcave, being trained and groomed for the family. In fact, most of the skeletal details of Batgirl's personality seem to be the same ones used for Jean Paul, and Batman has NO problem trusting her judgement.
He's not a 'guardian angel' for anyone except his current (dwindling) entourage. We don't see Az patrolling Gotham..we see Az sent somewhere by leslie, or sent somewhere by Bruce.

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My favourite Batman villain is Superman.

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agreed, dhaise. az is defenitly disposible. which is sad, because, he was such a great character, potentially, anyway.

but, realistically, all he needs is a quick revamp to fulfil some or all of that potential. and, i think, the domination of the "azrael" part within jean paul would give him, and us the readers, just that.

i have spoken

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I'm also going to throw a vote in for Deadshot as just an awesome villain. And I think the thing that is perhaps best about him is he is the one Batman villain that doesnt "need" Batman to exsist.

I mean what would the Joker, or Riddler, or Mad Hatter do if Batman was gone. They'd be bored as shit. Or at least boring as shit. But Deadshot...he'd just move on, killing more people.

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Originally posted by Armitage Shanks:
My favourite Batman villain is Superman.

Heh. Nice call.

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I don't think there's a Batman villain out there I don't like. Although I alwasy liked Catwoman better as a vilainess than as one of Batman's many partners. I'd like to see her and Batman cross paths as enemies again someday.

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My username says it all...
[woooOOOOoooo!] VIVA LA DEADSHOT!!! [woooOOOOoooo!]
I'd also like to see more of the Spook, Hugo Strange, Nocturna and Nightkiller(I think this guy is dead as a doornail though [sad] ).

I also liked the original Killer Moth, but that Charaxes guy sucks.
He got beaten by Robin [DOH!] [DOH!] [DOH!]

Oh, and I'd love to see Bats take on the Wild Huntsman.

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Favorite Bat-villains... let's see.

The Riddler -- Frank Gorshin was #1!! SCARY! While The Joker was true to the then-current watered-down Comics Code version of his character (which meant he always seemed 3rd-rate compared to some others) Gorshin's Riddler had little to do with the comic-book version, and seems to have been based more on the 1940 comic-book JOKER! (To my eyes, NOBODY ever did The Riddler so good in the comics, except for ONE story where Chuck Dixon retold his origin. Reading it, I'd swear I could hear Gorshin's voice doing the dialogue!)

Mr. Freeze -- George Sanders cam across like he was on a completely different show. NO HUMOR! Dangerous weapon! And that cliffhanger-- it looked like B&R were ALREADY dead! (How could a 7-year-old stand to wait 24 hours for the resolution?)

Catwoman -- Julie Newmar, like Gorshin, added so much that wasn't in the comics. A shame she only did ONE 1st-season story (her best by far) but her acting brought even her later 3rd-rate stories up several notches. Tragic she wasn't available for the '66 feature film...

The Siren -- Joan Collins was one of the ony people who played things straight in the 3rd year. And what an outfit she wore!

Shame -- Cliff Robertson also seemed to have stepped in from the wrong show-- NIGHT COURT, maybe (or F TROOP). Hated him as a kid, but when I grew up I forgave his excesses, simply because his 4 episodes were SO DAMN FUNNY!!! Most later baddies were just silly, but he went ALL the way. And also had one of the best fight scenes with Adam West in the entire 120 episodes.

The Joker -- the Bob Kane-Jerry Robinson version! Later, he got too silly, and later still, too pointlessly violent. But when he started... WOW!

Dr. Daka -- call me crazy, I just got the biggest kick out of watching J. Carrol Naish being so unrelentingly sinister, except when he'd take a break to feed his beloved crocodiles, who he treated like they were his own children. What ever happened to evil, inscrutable Orientals?

Mr. Freeze -- man, SOMEBODY should have considered Michael Ansara for the role, either in the 60's TV show or the 90's movie!!! All these years, he's STILL got it!

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My faves:

Mr. Roulette - can get the upper hand if he manages to get you on to his gigantic roulette wheel, otherwise Jason Todd's corpse could capture him pretty easily

The Calendar Man - what can you say about a guy who'd nowhere near powerful enough to be in, say, the Flash's Rogue's Gallery but has a colorful and very crime-predictable shtick?


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Mr. Freeze.

"Remember...there may be some momentary discomfort."

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Rob Kamphausen said:
thats something i dont know if comics has ever done. take an existing character (who has lasted for atleast 5 years) and turn him bad.


And that's terrible.
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i meant more on a long-term basis.

hal's parallax turn would been awesome, had they stuck to the story.

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I still like the KGBeast (original costume). Great concept.

Pimping my site, again.

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Harley Quinn!

'Nuff said!

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