Was at the local bar, "Louie's", that my sister bartends at on weekends last night, over in the bowlin' alley section of the place, enjoyin' a cold one and a game of darts with a couple of chicks who work back in the kitchen of the alley (it's a shame, too, because both look incredible and think I'm a funny guy...but they are also underage (both are 17) and well, y'know the hassles that causes...). One of the chick's brother was in dire need of some gas money, and havin' been in a similar predicament several times at his age, felt bein' charitable and offered to give him a couplea bucks. He said he would take charity, but knew I collected comics, and said he's sell me an old beer crate of back issues he had layin' around in his closet. So's I give him 10 bucks, and off he goes....
Later he returns with said box, which ended up containin' about 100 (!) back issues. he didn't collect comics, but had 'em layin' around and figured I could get better use from 'em than he could.
Got alot of oddball stuff, like a complete set of the Byrne black and white OMAC miniseries, which I had been lookin' for for some time, complete sets of Emerald Dawn and Emerald Dawn II (I traded my old copies off to bsams way back), a copy of the first issue of MAD DOG ( remember this Marvel comics tie-in with the CBS Bob Newhart sitcom "Bob"?), the first couple of issues of the old Marvel Battlestar Galactica comic, and most importantly, 2 copies of the Spider-Man/ Power Pack free sexual abuse awareness comic from back in the 1980's, from which I learned that it's not alright for strangers to touch me in my private areas....I mean, who knew after all this time that it was wrong?