A local comic books shop has opened a booth a at a local fleamarket, where they are liquidating thir old back issue stock....for 50 cents apiece! Now when I first started browsing there, I figured it would be all quarter or dollar box fodder, but actually...the guys aren't giving a shit what they sell! I'm cleaning up at this place! So far..I 've spent a total of 30 buck at this place over 3 weeks time and have picked up the following:
The Fightman One Shot by Evan Dorkin
The Six String Samurai movie adaptaion
another complete set of the Death of Superman storyline, all first prints
Supreme #41-50- great Alan Moore story
STORMWATCH #5 thru #9 (second series)- I can't stand Wildstorm stuff, I stopped reading it around WildCATS #30 and some of the early Gen 13 stuff, but have recently taken an interest in the Authority (basically because of good word of mouth), and these books are the earliest appearences of the Authority line-up.
MADMAN ADVENTURES #1 (Tundra, first print)
The THRILLKILLER Batman elseworlds miniseies-
Great stuff by Chaykin and Brereton
Rocketeer Adventure Magazine #3
The Powdered Toast Man One Shot #1
Marshall Law : Super Babylon Special #1
The Havok and Wolverine miniseries
The Prisoner miniseries by DC, that was supposed to be a sequel to the classic tv series.
New copies of the Topps Comics adaptation of the film Bram Stoker's DRACULA, with that incredible Mignola art.
Resurrection man #1 thru #5
Primal Force #0-#5
And a set of the Dark Dominion #0 cards, by Ditko...
Plus nearly a complete set of McFarlane AMAZING SPIDER-MAN's, amongst other things...
and...they still have a ton of great stuff there! Next week I'm splurging and spending 30 bucks! 60 comics for 30 bucks! I'm in heaven!