one thing that really annoyed me about wonderwoman was the semi-recent retcon that made the wonder woman we all know and love ... NOT the wonder woman we all know and love. her mom steps in, goes back in time, has a kid, comes back thru time, joins the jsa, back in time again, ... yadda yadda... too frickin confusing, and unnecessarily so.
now, all of a sudden, diana has only been diana for a year or two, rather than acutally BEING in the big three, around with supes and bats for over a decade.
i agree that she's never really had a huge powerhouse on her creative staff (tho some would argue in favor of perez / jimenez). there were rumors when dc and wildstorm merged that she'd get jim lee on pencils, which would have been great -- but that lead to 2 or 3 covers in the past 4 years (hardly an "on schedule" pace).
throwing jscott campbell on the book (my personal favorite artist) would provide a nice "t&a" boost from time to time. i mean, c'mon, wondie's hot! no harm in occasionally showcasing that, simply dont ever make it a focal point.
i do think that the cartoon might change the "real" comic a lot -- with a simpler design, simpler back story, and simpler plot lines, hopefully, the book will follow suit, making it more friendly for newer fans to jump on the bandwagon of that cool super chick they saw on tv.