You know....I'm pretty sure Zeus took that (beig a goddess) from her when she couldn't keep interfering/helping her friends & family...and sent her back to Earth.
I'll go look it up when I get home and let you know for sure...
Okay....I looked it up, and I was wrong. From WW #136, pg. 21 & 22
Mike: "Speaking of powerful forces... Diana, are you going back to Olympus now?"
Diana: "No Michael. I have been banished to Earth. Apparently Zeus feels the greatest punishment for my constant interventions is to be put back into the middle of things!"
Then further down the page:
Diana: "Now that I am a goddess, with power and immortality beyond the measure of humanity...there has never been a better time for Diana of Themyscria to once more claim the name of Wonder Woman."
I can't think of any other time when Zeus might have stripped her of her God-hood...since he/Byrne said (on page 9 of issue #135): "Then Ares is correct. To divested Diana of her God-hood wold be to condem her to death, since transfiguration was the mechanism by which she was saved from Hades' realm."
SO...knowing this...what the hell is DC thinking!?! They've got a Goddess and they're not doing anything with that. It's just so insane...I can't believe it...
[ 11-27-2001: Message edited by: Bianca ]