Methinks I came up with it during the time you were working twenty hours a day at the asylum and couldn't play on the computer!
More things that inspire Bat-boreders!
A) A mystery! How far will Ace, the Bat-hound's pecker, go up JYD's anus?
B) An adventure! We, the Bat-boreders of the DCMB's, will not rest until we have all sniffed Nightwing's underwear!
C) Action! Trick or treating the entire month of October in our homemade Batman outfits!
D) More mystery! Is TheAngryBatman and PrincessEliza actually one and the same!
E) More adventure! Mounting PrincessEliza's head on a spike! Bwahahahahahahahaha!
F) More action! Sorry guys, but "more action" is truly an oxymoron for any given Bat-boreder!