My bad Franta for not knowing "Roy batty" is the definitive batfan, pretty please forgive me

I've only been on the boards since last July so I dont know everything that's gone on

As for JYD being snobbish, I don't really know the guy (all I know so far is that he seems to know a lot more comics than me and he has a good sense of humor)!
-----once over and are you really a princess Eliza? Just wondering...----------
That's for you to decide ;P I 'borrowed' the name Elisa from a book I read b/c the character was known for her sweetness, character, wit, and intelligence. Princess I chose cause I've always loved fairy tales where dreams come true and heartaches never happen! That's my dream anyway, in reality you know already I'm a Junior majoring in CS at DBU and pretty much concentrate on my studies (4.0 so far but well see what grade my ASM class turns out
Any other questions Lance ;-)