WOAH??? aint no way, Rob is JYD? Let me digest this.........it's gonna take a few hours ;-) Seriously? wow........I never would have guessed in a million years! So how'd he come up with the handle anyway? Do clue me in well that's cool

Glad I didnt say anythin bad bout JYD earlier :P Are you sure he's JYD? Cause JYD was still in college? At least I thought he was I coulda been mistaken :P And he was voted king of the boards AND everything, wow (Rob's gotta be livin high bout now :-)
And I definately remember the Bat-Franta handle my bad for not recognizin ya straight off, am I forgiven :P Erm.....as for kissing me and me turning back into a frog, LOl i dont think so ;-) Seriously though no guy has ever kissed me.....kinda said when I've had what FOUR boyfriends and nobody EVER tried....not that I'm bitter or anythin ;P
Anyway guys I really *should* get back to ASM, wish me luck less than twenty four hours when I go head to head with my nighmare final
Franta why were you banned? Rob doesn't ban anybody unless he has a good reason, do clue me in :-)