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10. Nude pictures of Alfred! 9. Sliding down the Bat-Pole! (over and over again!) 8. Organizing a search party to find Robin's 'worm'! 7. Nude pictures of Jim Gordon! 6. Winning a free comic book from The Angry Batman! (sic!) 5. Winning a nude picture of the Angry Batman! ( more sic!) 4. Raffling off chances for dream date with Harold! 3. Nude pictures of Alfred, Jim Gordon, and Angry Batman doing 'it'! 2. Watching JYD run to the kitchen when using the electric can-opener to open her Alpo! .....and the number one thing that inspires the Bat-Boreders... 1. The Angry Batman's head on a spike! (They don't really like him either!)
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Evil twin 1500+ posts
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How about TheOracle's strip shows? Even the truth comes off!
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Bibbo, this doesn't seem much different than the Misc posts... 
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Evil twin 1500+ posts
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But these have a purpose! This is focused inanity! Feel free to open up.
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Wow, it has been awhile since I was here. About the time that you wrote your post, Bibbo, I think I was just announcing my resignation of my job. Time flies. 
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WOAH, LOL No way! I TOTALLY disagree, I don't Like Batman comics OR the animated series cause of that stuff! I mean how could anybody not love the theme song for one *hums da da da dum*, or the fun exchange between the characters, the adventures Batman encounters, and the fact that the bad guys ALWAYS get what's comin to them in the end! And let's not forget the ever awesome Batgirl (babs gordon definately NOT cassandra! Even though my friends swear I like it cuase Batman's in tights let the truth be known that I LOVE great stories with heroes and villans where the good guys ALWAYS win in the end  *okay im a chick how could I NOT like happy endings :P*
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LLance how did I miss this gem of a thread! quote: Originally posted by PrincessElisa: where the good guys ALWAYS win in the end :P*
SO then the Bat-Man and Robin are really lovers?
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Methinks I came up with it during the time you were working twenty hours a day at the asylum and couldn't play on the computer! More things that inspire Bat-boreders! A) A mystery! How far will Ace, the Bat-hound's pecker, go up JYD's anus? B) An adventure! We, the Bat-boreders of the DCMB's, will not rest until we have all sniffed Nightwing's underwear! C) Action! Trick or treating the entire month of October in our homemade Batman outfits! D) More mystery! Is TheAngryBatman and PrincessEliza actually one and the same! E) More adventure! Mounting PrincessEliza's head on a spike! Bwahahahahahahahaha! F) More action! Sorry guys, but "more action" is truly an oxymoron for any given Bat-boreder!
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*ahem* I believe my name is spelled ELISA but I dont know maybe you need to go back to third grade and learn to spell :P (j/k) As for me being Angry batman, LOL you are too much! As if ;-)And as for mounting my head on a pole, that don't mean I'd stop talkin :P and whats that about JYD? LOL.....he is like so cool, he's what close to like at least um half a million posts I think? (im not saying you arent cool Lance, mkay?) Hrm...and Rob thanks for having message boards, at least I can post somewhere :P
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Elisa perhaps you haven't heard, ROY BATTY IS the definitive Bat-Fan. And if it weren't for Kampy getting jealous and banning ROY, he would have had many more posts than Dawgie!
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Just funning ya, Eliza! The 'z' shows character! Try it!  Of course I'm cool! Just ask Franty Baby! He'll tell ya! JYD is so...not cool! He has lots and lots of posts but what does he really say? Not much of anything that isn't snobbish! -----once over and are you really a princess Eliza? Just wondering...----------
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LLance IS OK for an old fart.
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...actually at one tme there was a vote on the bat boreds as to who was the ultimate bat-fan and ROY BATTY won by a landslide....
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My bad Franta for not knowing "Roy batty" is the definitive batfan, pretty please forgive me  I've only been on the boards since last July so I dont know everything that's gone on  As for JYD being snobbish, I don't really know the guy (all I know so far is that he seems to know a lot more comics than me and he has a good sense of humor)! quote: -----once over and are you really a princess Eliza? Just wondering...----------
That's for you to decide ;P I 'borrowed' the name Elisa from a book I read b/c the character was known for her sweetness, character, wit, and intelligence. Princess I chose cause I've always loved fairy tales where dreams come true and heartaches never happen! That's my dream anyway, in reality you know already I'm a Junior majoring in CS at DBU and pretty much concentrate on my studies (4.0 so far but well see what grade my ASM class turns out Any other questions Lance ;-)
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If I kiss you will I turn into a frog? You seem like a very nice person, Elisa! Please beware of the Bat-boreders! They will tear your heart out and hand it to you! If you ever need back-up me and Franta will save you!
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FRANTA YOU ROCK!!!!!! NO way? that was you that gave me that link? YOu are SO the man, that made my day IN FACT I even passed it on to several other people  Hrm.....it wasn't under the same handle OR I woulda remembered you  See I recognized Lance and Rob cause SOME People use their same handles here as they do on dc's message boards ;P Anyway wish me luck my air conditioner is broken and I live in Texas and I really need to sleep *ack* and as for me being nice yuppers I'm a sweet girl most of the time ;P
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Yeah Im purty shure it was under Franta as it was before Kampy the jagwipe banned me! Most of my usernames had Franta in them Franta The Bat-Franta HourFranta Doc Franta bizarrofranta I was NOT kid Franta But that moron Rob banned ALL Franta's! I stay away from the Bat-Boreds because... well I shouldn't tell you all this....Rob is JYD!
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WOAH??? aint no way, Rob is JYD? Let me digest this.........it's gonna take a few hours ;-) Seriously? wow........I never would have guessed in a million years! So how'd he come up with the handle anyway? Do clue me in well that's cool  Glad I didnt say anythin bad bout JYD earlier :P Are you sure he's JYD? Cause JYD was still in college? At least I thought he was I coulda been mistaken :P And he was voted king of the boards AND everything, wow (Rob's gotta be livin high bout now :-) And I definately remember the Bat-Franta handle my bad for not recognizin ya straight off, am I forgiven :P Erm.....as for kissing me and me turning back into a frog, LOl i dont think so ;-) Seriously though no guy has ever kissed me.....kinda said when I've had what FOUR boyfriends and nobody EVER tried....not that I'm bitter or anythin ;P Anyway guys I really *should* get back to ASM, wish me luck less than twenty four hours when I go head to head with my nighmare final Franta why were you banned? Rob doesn't ban anybody unless he has a good reason, do clue me in :-)
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WOAH??? aint no way, Rob is JYD? Let me digest this.........it's gonna take a few hours ;-) Seriously? wow........I never would have guessed in a million years! So how'd he come up with the handle anyway? Do clue me in well that's cool  Glad I didnt say anythin bad bout JYD earlier :P Are you sure he's JYD? Cause JYD was still in college? At least I thought he was I coulda been mistaken :P And he was voted king of the boards AND everything, wow (Rob's gotta be livin high bout now :-) And I definately remember the Bat-Franta handle my bad for not recognizin ya straight off, am I forgiven :P Erm.....as for kissing me and me turning back into a frog, LOl i dont think so ;-) Seriously though no guy has ever kissed me.....kinda said when I've had what FOUR boyfriends and nobody EVER tried....not that I'm bitter or anythin ;P Anyway guys I really *should* get back to ASM, wish me luck less than twenty four hours when I go head to head with my nighmare final Franta why were you banned? Rob doesn't ban anybody unless he has a good reason, do clue me in :-)
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The Swizzler.... 6000+ posts
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WOAH??? aint no way, Rob is JYD? Let me digest this.........it's gonna take a few hours ;-) Seriously? wow........I never would have guessed in a million years! So how'd he come up with the handle anyway? Do clue me in well that's cool  Glad I didnt say anythin bad bout JYD earlier :P Are you sure he's JYD? Cause JYD was still in college? At least I thought he was I coulda been mistaken :P And he was voted king of the boards AND everything, wow (Rob's gotta be livin high bout now :-) And I definately remember the Bat-Franta handle my bad for not recognizin ya straight off, am I forgiven :P Erm.....as for kissing me and me turning back into a frog, LOl i dont think so ;-) Seriously though no guy has ever kissed me.....kinda said when I've had what FOUR boyfriends and nobody EVER tried....not that I'm bitter or anythin ;P Anyway guys I really *should* get back to ASM, wish me luck less than twenty four hours when I go head to head with my nighmare final Franta why were you banned? Rob doesn't ban anybody unless he has a good reason, do clue me in :-)
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Just for the record I HATE MY STUPID BROWSER THAT ALWAYS FLOODS when I press reload grrrrr, sorry again guys!
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He banned me because I spead a rumor that he was JYD. Actually I am not sure what EXACT straw broke the jackass's back but he claims it was non-comic related discussions. But I beleive he just wants ROY and I here all to himself.... Plus he is jealous of me and ButterRican.
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That's kinda scary.....do you think me posting stuff like Happy Easter around easter time counts as non comic related and my board days are numbered? wow......never thought of it that way before! Hrm......*shivers* SO if I voted in Madness and he deleted that thread too...wow...this does not look good for my dc board future huh guyz?
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cobra kai 15000+ posts
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if im jyd, than how come i ignore when people post stuff about my own batman work? man am i rude! sorry to spoil the illusion, but, i've never had an alternate ID. not any on this board, the internet dc boards, or the mobius infinity board, anyway. always just plain ole rob kamphausen (perhaps with a splash of "the") ill ban people cuz they ignore warnings and stuff. continuously post off topic and/ or offensively. eventually, certain posters, earn recognition status, where people know that they're just there to cause trouble without even reading their posts. and, at that point, i get in trouble from me' bosses if i dont do something about the situation, fast! as for this... buttered rican... she is the devil! all her base are belong to me! she just uses franta for his money and because of his very weird video tapes of people telling the news. she's evil like that! do not join her stable, dear elisa!
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Rest assured Rob you dont have to worry, I'll stay nice and sweet always *promise* 
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Rob is a crafty one, Princess! He banned me once just because I happened to start a few threads after some others had BSAMED the Lobo boards! A couple of them were semi-serious too! Quite a few of us had been goofing off in there for about a week, doing no real harm, funning one another! I was a complete and innocent bystander and he yanked me off the boards with nary a seventh final warning! I was severely depressed for about five minutes and decided to seek a fair and impartial trial from Gob himself and after a week or two he let me back on saying that he may have somewhat jumped the gun in my particular situation! I really think he was just sick of hearing me whine, but whatever works! Now I behave like a choir boy whenever I'm on the DC boards! (Boring!!!!) As far as Rob having no other ID's!?! Sure JQ, sure!
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Sure Lance likely story ;p
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The Great Gob himself can assure you I speakth mostly the truth! 
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I'll believe it when i see it 
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cobra kai 15000+ posts
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LLance lies when he sleeps! I speaketh mucho truth here now!
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....hmmm tho Rob is an admitted 80's wrestling fan,where the man known as Junk Yard Dog,gained his prominence....
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cobra kai 15000+ posts
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another one gone, and another one gone!!!
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Another one bites the dust! I was fortunate to see Queen in concert several times during the seventies! Freddy Mercury Kicked ASS!!!!!
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I'm Brian Fellow! 400+ posts
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