if im jyd, than how come i ignore when people post stuff about my own batman work? man am i rude!
sorry to spoil the illusion, but, i've never had an alternate ID. not any on this board, the internet dc boards, or the mobius infinity board, anyway. always just plain ole rob kamphausen (perhaps with a splash of "the")
ill ban people cuz they ignore warnings and stuff. continuously post off topic and/ or offensively. eventually, certain posters, earn recognition status, where people know that they're just there to cause trouble without even reading their posts. and, at that point, i get in trouble from me' bosses if i dont do something about the situation, fast!
as for this... buttered rican...
she is the devil! all her base are belong to me! she just uses franta for his money and because of his very weird video tapes of people telling the news. she's evil like that! do not join her stable, dear elisa!