Rob is a crafty one, Princess! He banned me once just because I happened to start a few threads after some others had BSAMED the Lobo boards! A couple of them were semi-serious too! Quite a few of us had been goofing off in there for about a week, doing no real harm, funning one another! I was a complete and innocent bystander and he yanked me off the boards with nary a seventh final warning! I was severely depressed for about five minutes and decided to seek a fair and impartial trial from Gob himself and after a week or two he let me back on saying that he may have somewhat jumped the gun in my particular situation! I really think he was just sick of hearing me whine, but whatever works! Now I behave like a choir boy whenever I'm on the DC boards! (Boring!!!!) As far as Rob having no other ID's!?! Sure JQ, sure!