V For Vendetta by Alan Moore and David Lloyd Terminal City by Dean Motter and Michael Lark Preacher by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon Transmetropolitan by Warren Ellis and Darick Robertson
And if they count as non-superhero(and I think they should): Sandman by Neil Gaiman and various artists Death: The High Cost of Living and Death: The Time of Your Life by Neil Gaiman and Chris Bachalo Sandman Mystery Theatre by Matt Wagner (and later Steven Seagle) and various artists
What exactly qualifies as "super hero?" Spandex? Or just someone who's "heroic" and has special powers or abilities? If it's the latter then that counts out several already listed candidates(like Preacher and V for Vendetta). I'm not sure if these all count, but:
Transmetropolitan Invisibles Hellblazer Queen and Country 100 Bullets Metabarons
And for those I haven't actually read:
Stray Bullets? Love and Rockets? Cerebus? Strangers in Paradise? Liberty Meadows?
quote:Originally posted by Animalman: What exactly qualifies as "super hero?" Spandex? Or just someone who's "heroic" and has special powers or abilities?
i guess i was just referring to books that dont follow the traditional format (which would most obviously be spandex, but doesnt necessarily mean no powers. 'preacher,' for example, id consider a non-super hero book)
excellent book, with a great idea behind it (she was a 'regular' investigator that would encounter the DCU's super heroes as necessitated. very cool stuff).
Preacher is one of the best series I ever read and I started up on it via tpbs!
Strangers In Paradise I must give props to Basti for my conrinued reading of the series as I was ready to stop...keep reading it gets better and better kids...if you aint reading it start now!!!
Foolkiller - just a man in a costume killing fools. Transmetropolitan - just a man with a stomach tattoo killing fools and writing about them. Bone - just your poor peasant discovering she's a princess fairy tale fantasy odyssey read it! Love & Rockets - all kindsa stuff, involving folks like you 'n me and your friends.. American Splendor American Flagg (Chaykin's run) Hopeless Savages
Damn little American good stuff 'bout normal joes that you don't have to hunt in the woods for - And none of it in color save a few and way far between exceptions - the Spandex (tm) Heroes have taken over the market... Can't even find a good Western these days.. ing
Read the definition of what you're looking for, so I gotta add: Enchanted - both miniseries - Good focus on the normal joe sequences - they are very engaging and suck you right into the comic.
Planetary - they got powwa, but it don't feel like superheroics. It feels like a day on the job.
Sojourn - so far you have a very EVIL wizard, and a dragon. What more could anybody want out of a fantasy comic? The protagonist is FAR weaker than that EVIL wizard she wants to snuff - 'cept for a bow only she can shoot (magic bow), She's just like that hot blonde I saw last week... [[I would put Meridian in here except the pro- and ant- agonists are both wizards. Everybody else in the book are normal joes, though, makin' it hard to not put that book in this category, read it anyway! It's damn good.]]
Personal aside:..whadaymean I'm a youngin'?!!? I'm 38, kiddo...
quote:Originally posted by Rob Kamphausen: heya lanneret!
you definitely loves boat loads of non-super hero books -- do you prefer them to more 'traditional' comics?
and, if you do read any 'regular' books, whut're they?
More than my budget allows. (sound of knuckles cracking) In addition to the abovesaid, and I forgot to add to that list: Amelia Rules! !! : Birds of Prey Aria Rising Stars Vampi The Incredible Hulk New Xmen The Titans Lucifer Lady Death Cable Lab Rats The Order Extreme X-men X-force Savage Dragon The Ultimates Chastity Howard the Duck JLA Deadpool Negation Meridian Very "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (or at least I identify it with this show though it's not a horror comic at all, but a fantasy comic) Sigil Deadline Superman (Ed Mc Guiness ) Authority The Monarchy The First Any issue of Green Lantern headlining Jade I like Carlos Pacheco's take on Fantastic Four - he captures the flavor of Stan & Jack very well.
Lots of interesting stuff out there, lots of good stories.
i was originally looking for some sorta pattern, but... yer tastes seem t'be all over the place!! very cool (except fer yer wallet!)
The pattern is... (sound of trumpet) (pause for dramatic effect) ... All of 'em (maybe with the exception of Extreme Xmen) say or express something about the human condition or are just plain fun (or funny) to read. Lots of 'em out there.
Strangers in Paradise(best book on the market, bar none) Transmetropolitan Hellblazer Ruse 100 Bullets
And even though Powers has spandex types in it, it's really a cop dramady so I think it should count as well.
An aside to Dave...I bought the first two Lucifer trades on your reccomendation and I just couldn't get into them. Maybe I'm just not smart enough. I'll read them again in a few months and see if they grow on me.
Razorwitt, Porky Pine and I had a big debate onm the merits of superhero comics at ODCUTMB under the heading of "I just finished reading Warren Ellis' book Come in Alone". Some interesting thoughts there on non-superhero books and the direction of the industry generally.
"Batman is only meaningful as an answer to a world which in its basics is chaotic and in the hands of the wrong people, where no justice can be found. I think it's very suitable to our perception of the world's condition today... Batman embodies the will to resist evil" -Frank Miller
"Conan, what's the meaning of life?" "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women!" -Conan the Barbarian
"Well, yeah." -Jason E. Perkins
"If I had a dime for every time Pariah was right about something I'd owe twenty cents." -Ultimate Jaburg53
"Fair enough. I defer to your expertise." -Prometheus