Originally posted by Avatar:
With the exception of Bianca, I'm seeing a general lack of villains to go up against the impressive range of heroes currently assembled by each company.

ill agree with that.

(speaking of which...don't they have to buy names sometime?)


im assuming they're holding off until the end, tho, to get all their bids in.

I would say some good supporting characters are in order as well. Sidekicks are always necessary. A company cannot survive on icons alone.

prolly also something that will come later on.

In the end though, I know practically nothing.

i know you said more than that, but quoting just this was funnier.

my personal opinions on the companies:

this company is far and away leading the pack. she might not have the most powerful grouping, but certainly of the selections thus far, she has the most intriguing universe.

its as if her entire universe is 'gotham.' luthor and kingpin are struggling for power positions in the city, all the while individually (and combined) attempting to thwart batmans' protection over the burg.

detective j'onn jones and black cat are there as part of batman's team. even the question fits in nicely.

orion... well... he's got that cool flying platform! zoooom!

like the selector himself, this team has all the 'MAN am i angry' kinda guys. even with the exlusion of batman (and possibly daredevil), this is a frank miller type world.

it does show potential of working, and holding together, but... unlike bianca's novel/month with hundreds of substories, this universe seems like it'd have a different book for each character, but every book would be essentially the same grim'n'grittyness.

silvie's team is exactly the opposite -- its the optimists paradise! babs, cap'n, spidey, ww, even dick grayson... they're all happy-type heroes, or at least uplifting ones.

i do really like the pairing of spidey and nightwing, as i think they have many similar traits (spidey might have a slight edge, but nightwing'd be bangin mary jane!)

otherwise, this 'verse looks like a lil utopia. poor green goblin!!!

this strikes me as an 'adventures in outer space' book. all of the characters are either world powers, or strange aliens, etc. where bianca's world takes place on a local level, allan's thus far seems to take place on a global or universal level -- big n'powerful n'scary n'all that.