Originally posted by Nowhereman:
In case you didnt notice Rob I picked Hal as GL not just Hal as Hal!
My whole point with Lois Lane was,that if I bought Lois for my universe I could make her GL if I wanted to!?

as i said befo'

you selected 'hal jordan' -- which, to me (and im the judge, so my thoughts count) means you have hal jordan -- he can be a pilot, a gl, OR the spectre -- its your universe to maintain how the character is run.

lois lane, on the otherhand, can NOT be selected as a GL, as she's never really been one.

further, if you select hal, and allan selects kyle, you now BOTH have green lanterns (if thats the incarnation of the character you both intend to use).

Anyway I still say my company is called Total Bastard Comics!

if you spend a turn and the $5mil to name it as such, then yes, that is your company's name.

Can we buy teams?
By that,I dont mean necessarily the members,just the name! If we can,how do you value them?


if you purchase the name brand of 'jla' or 'x-men,' the value is equal to other third tier selections, such as 'gotham'