man alive, silvie, play nice!

yeah, i think it was you who suggested the 4th tier. which, i think is leaning towards the right direction, but im still against the idea, cuz i see it causing a whole bunch more prollums.

in part 1 she was second tier. in part 2, she's top tier. there's yer difference, its a different part. i dunno what else to say. this is a whole new game and, while strikingly similar to the last round, is obvioulsy not the same thing.

as for making it public -- id love to do so. but thats another impossibility, as it'd involve naming every. single. character -- AND their respective status (which even the real companies, themselves, have never been able to do).

so, instead, you have to have a judge. me. im not perfect (dont even claim to be. often.) so judgements will vary, of course, but... so be it, a ruling still had to be made, and im still gonna stick with it.

and... i dont even know where the hell the game is anymore. lemme recap it: