Originally posted by Rob Kamphausen:
my feedback on round 2 thus far:

biggest complaint is that i had to be nowhereman.

second biggest complaint is the time duration of the event -- 500 mil was way too much money, i believe, for 4 people to go through (necessitating choices like 'skeets' down the line).

third biggest complaint being the difficulty in ranking characters. too many selections are borderline between tiers, making it hard for the teams to pick and hard for the judge to rate.

in order to make round 3 more enjoyable, all three of those issues have to be tackled.

the first issue is easy -- dont be nowhereman. yaaay!

and i believe i have an idea that takes care of the second two -- agents.

instead of just sticking to the idea that wonder woman is top tier and $25, aunt may is second tier ant $10 mil, and metropolis is third tier for $5 mil ... each of the selectees has the opportunity to be represented by an agent. this could lead to a variety of situations.

say, for example, bianca decides she wants to select 'batman,' a well established top tier pick for $25 mil. batman's agent then turns around and says "look, i've got movies, cartoons, 4 books, multiple appearances... i want $50 mil, and i wont settle for less"

bianca then has the option to pay the 50 mil, or waive her pick. batman is back on the table. allan comes forth and offers 40 mil, which batman turns down. nowhereman offers 45, and batman relents, and joins up with nowhereman.

now, say lois lane sees this and wants to pull the same shit. she wants 40 mil. no one bites. 30. nothing. 20? still no one. finally, silvie offers 5, and lois sadly accepts.

further, there could be bidding wars. superman wants 30 and silvie is ready to put that up... but then allan offers 35 and superman says that sounds better.

then, there's the possibility of 'deals.' like nightwing wont go to a team unless oracle is included.

theres still some sketciness to work on with that (like how, exactly, captains are going to be able to take turns if they, or their selections, arent online at the same time) but i like the idea.

bottom line, it adds a little more personality to the selections, and makes the event more of an event. plus, a lot of the top tier guys will go for much more than just 25 mil, so a captains' money total will drop quicker, making much fewer 'silly' picks.

it also eliminates the 'tier' idea, as now each character is only as valuable as the captain wants them to be.

whutcha think?

In theory...it sounds interesting,but in reality,it sounds like one big frickin' headache.
I'd rather be Nowhereman.