Thanos-Mad Demi-god of Titan.Slaughtered entire population except his brother Mar-Vell.Journeys to Earth for a secret known only to him.
Mar-Vell-Brother of thanos & owner of the Nega-bands.Sworn to stop Thanos at all matter who or what gets in his way.
Captain Atom-Trapped in a protective suit to keep his dangerous energies in check,Nathaniel Adam looks for a purpose to his existence.
Quasar-Appointed the protector of Earth,his Quantum Bands possess awesome power.The only problem is,Quasar hates relying on them to win his battles.
Beta Ray Bill-He possess the power of Thor,carries a mighty hammer & is favored by the gods of Asgard.He's also an alien on Earth with no friends.Noble to a fault & sworn to protect the innocent....except those he protects,fear him more than anything else.Looks for a way to escape Thor's shadow and acceptance from humans.
Firelord-His home planet destroyed,Firelord has ended up on Earth.Frequents bars & strip clubs & anything else to escape his memories.He once was a great hero but now his temper is hotter than the power Cosmic he posesses.
Adam Strange-Brilliant scientist(almost too brilliant),he's a bit arrogant towards others & is never at a loss to promote his intellect.He has great wealth & uses it for his projects.He thinks his genius is wasted on normal people.
Obviously this is just a set-up & you can see how these lives will come into contact....but I'm still working it out.