I was recently in the grocery story, picking up the neccessities of life (beer, porkrinds, bean and bacon soup, and saltines) when, as I passed the magazine rack, I took notice of the latest issue of Mad Magazine...
Now...I haven't read Mad in ages...I used to be a devoted reader in junior high, and I still have many of the early paperbacks laying around somewheres (I lucked into a collection of the 10 Mad paperbacks a few years ago at a yardsale for a steal, in almost perfect condition), but haven't picked up the magazine itself on a regular basis in quite some time. I think the last "current" issue I bought was around 1989, when they did the parody of the first "Batman" flick....
(CRACKED Magazine...on the other hand...I follow from time to time...for some odd reason I've always enjoyed their second rate form of humor)
Well..anyways, I'm flipping thru the current issue, and came to a startling surprise...
When did MAD start taking on advertisers? I always thought that it was the unwritten law of the late William Gaines that MAD would never do so, because without advertising MAD's humor could be kept objective.
Just curious.....