Originally posted by Mr. Lesbo:
I walked away from my renting of Minority Report (via Direct TV) after 45 minutes. This had to be the worst movie I have made my self stick with

First off, Minority Report was the shiznit. Simply put, it was a great movie.

Originally posted by Mr. Lesbo:
,,, well hell,,,,Fight Club was the last!!!! Gawd this movie sucked.

You hated Fight Club too? There's gotta be a cure.

Originally posted by Mr. Lesbo:
Minority Report is very sloppy when it comes to being a movie that preys on people, real people that buy tickets to watch, who think the future is really the way it is displayed in MR.

So you know what the future's like? Do tell!

Originally posted by Mr. Lesbo:
Think about it. If you want to cover things up like the death of JFK you need to have as few people as you can. The more people the more a leak will take place.

To my recollection, there was only one person "in" on the conspiracy, the old dude in charge of the Report itself. No one else knew what he was doing, not even the guy who catalogued the reports.

Originally posted by Mr. Lesbo:
In MR there are so many people that travel in time the reality of a "paradox" is lost! This movie sucks!!!!!!!

There was no time travel. They prevented the crimes by using (and abusing) three clairvoyents (sp?) who could see...

ah, never mind.