Are you sure you didn't get Timecop by mistake? [eh?]

I personally haven't seen MR. I read the short story by Phillip K. Dick and didn't want Speilberg to ruin it. The ending was way too dark and un-Hollywood for Steven to use. I have seen some clips of it and heard some things from friends who saw it. Like the part where all the ads used lasers to scan passerbys' eyes to personalize the ads. Cruise, who was totally the opposite of the character in the book, is walking down the strip where all these ads are pointing out that he's a fugitive; yet, they are still trying to sell him things. I saw that as a moment that really said something about the world today, but I heard that it was quickly overshadowed by crappieness.

[ 02-03-2003, 09:27 AM: Message edited by: thedoctor ]