Originally posted by Mr. Lesbo:
The effects were fantastic, the movie I hated. The paradox thing bugs me. This movie was fun but very loose on the time travel stuff.!

Like I said, I never saw the movie; but the book didn't have any time travel in it. Here's how it all goes down in the book:

Three Precogs (Precogniciants), who happen to be autistic and can't function in regular society, actually have the ability to see "possible" futures. Each sees a certain vision. If one vision sees someone commiting a crime like murder, it's vision is checked against the other two. If another also views said person killing, then those two are put together as the Majority Report that says this person will commit a future crime and must be stopped. The last precog could quite possibly see a future where the murder did not take place. It is called the Minority Report.

I don't want to give the plot of the story away for folks like Franta who may decide to read it, but the basics of the story was that each possible future relied on the main character finding out about his future. It takes into account your "paradoxes." Mighty damn fine read, and I suggest you grab a copy. And read Waterspider while you're at it.