Once Upon A Time In Mexico - Robert Rodriguez's follow-up to "Desperado", if by any indications from the plot I've heard, will quite possibly one of the most fucked up action films ever...and I mean that in a good way.
28 Days Later - Director Danny Boyle's (TRAINSPOTTING) new flick....basically a clever homage to Romero's "Living Dead" trilogy....I've seen a screening (thanks to my job), and it kicks ass.
Creepy stuff....
May - creepy little horror flick...completely relying on atmosphere to accomplish it's scares.
Max - another film I've caught at a small art theatre, thanks to my employment at Technicolor...if it gets a wider release, could quite possibly become an incredibly controverial flick.
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - I'm a fan of the comic, and even if they've made major changes from the book, still ahve faith in director Norrington, based on the trailers I've seen.