(first, I asked him if G'Nort would ever appear in a comic again)

DCOMCarlin: Ummm... ever is a long time... so... I dunno

FMRyan420: hmmmmm, do you think there's a chance? (sorry for bugging you btw, i just don't know who else to ask!)

DCOMCarlin: We never say never... so don't worry!

FMRyan420: hmmmmm, good answer.

FMRyan420: so is that a "no" ?

DCOMCarlin: No it's a "we never say never".

DCOMCarlin: I woulda said no if I meant no!

FMRyan420: but you just said never when saying "never say never"!

DCOMCarlin: OKay... you win... now I'll try NOT to have Gnort ever appear again...

FMRyan420: [] i didn't mean that

DCOMCarlin: Oh, well.. too late...

DCOMCarlin: You got what you wanted...

FMRyan420: lol suuuuuuuuure, play that road

DCOMCarlin: Bugging a guy at home on a Sunday night ... and not accepting the real answers... SOMETIMES leads to disaster!

FMRyan420: assuming i was a bajillionaire, and i paid DC to put G'Nort in a comic, would it happen?

FMRyan420: yah i know like i said i'm sorry for botherin' you. if you wanna give me some other people to bug about G'Nort, I will!!!

DCOMCarlin: We'll worry about that when YOU get there!

DCOMCarlin: Don't bug anyone about G'Nort... he will not sell one extra comic ever... so save yer energy!

FMRyan420: whattaya mean? G'Nort = $$$ !!!

DCOMCarlin: No... I mean G'Nort DOESN'T equal dollars!

DCOMCarlin: One reason he's not around...

DCOMCarlin: Only one though!

FMRyan420: yah but if you maybe spiced him up a little. maybe he can become G'Nortallax!!!

FMRyan420: isn't that a cool idea??

DCOMCarlin: Yup... great idea... thanks.

FMRyan420: no problem! are you going to use it??

DCOMCarlin: He was and always will be comedy relief...

DCOMCarlin: No.

FMRyan420: hmmmmm. some comics could use comic relief

DCOMCarlin: Thanks FM... but really... time to get some sleep!

FMRyan420: okey dokey!

DCOMCarlin: I know... and he's been relieved!

FMRyan420: before you go, think about this: G'Nort as the next Ace - the Bat Hound!

DCOMCarlin: Try to focus on and follow more essential characters... and you won't be dissapointed!

DCOMCarlin: Okay... I've thought about it.

DCOMCarlin: Good night!

FMRyan420: later!