Originally posted by ROY BATTY:

I'm afraid both Green Arrow and Amazing Spiderman are comics I have to read as soon as I get them. I sholdn't worry about Spidey, they're collecting it up pretty quick. As for GA, well after Smiths Initial 12 issue arc, his 3 parter was a bit weak! The new writer is pretty good however he's only there for 6 issues until Judd Winnick takes over.

Have you hear that the last 2 parts of Smiths Spiderman/Black Cat have been cancelled?

Roy, I still haven't read the last five or six issues of Smith's Green Arrow, or the last six months or so of Spider-Man stuff. Took another sabbatical from reading comics for a while to let story-lines build up again. Thankfully, the Fed Ex guy just dropped off my monthly shipment from Westfield about ten minutes ago, and I think I'm gonna start getting caught up again. Hopefully by Christmas, I'll be caught up! [no no no]