Originally posted by Sk8maven:
Add the glaring problems with identity theft due to the ability to use aliases and the lack of a database to check them against.

Add the impossibiity of registering a screen name that currently exists on the OLD DCU boards without, at BEST, going through incredible contortions.

The New Boards are going to be the ONLY place on the Net where I am NOT "Sk8maven" - because DC would not allow me to register and will not allow me to change my registration.


Maven, if no one has taken your actual name (and the name someone posts under might be an alias - helmofnabu's post as "Sk8Maven" WAS an alias - and you can turn your "GAHarlequin" membership into "Sk8Maven the same way), you can register here:

http://newdcboards.warnerbros.com/web/all/profile/registration_first.jsp?system=US1&origin=dcboards%2Fus&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fnewdcboards.warnerbros.com%2Fweb%2Fcategory.jsp%3F cat%3Ddc+comics


One check later.

Maven - NO-ONE has registered under the name "sk8maven". NO-ONE!!!

You can see here:


(compare it to mine:

http://newdcboards.warnerbros.com/web/userProfileView.jsp?board=msg_boards&user=thesomebody )

So stop whining and start registering before someone ACTUALLY takes it.

PS - Aren't you just "Maven" at Geoff's board anyway?