batman / gotham adventures (currently in the midst of a title switch)

if you're willing to consider the various (6?) incarnations of this book over the past decade as one run (they're all essentially the same, without inbetween "downtime"), then i can boldly say this is the best title i've read since my comic book addiction.

it is consistantly and reliably excellent. the art and style are top notch, and the stories are always entertaining, and typically contained in a single issue.

i've gone through periods of time where i liked other books more -- jla, batman, detective, etc. however, the average score of this book over the past 10 years is leaps and bounds over, say, detective's average rank.

sadly, many pass on this book. tho everyone is always quick to defend the cartoon from being "childish," the same argument is rarely used in defense of its comic book counterpart. i assure you, the comic is just as true to the characters and stories as the animated series is/was.

its simply an amazing read.