Batman: Three cracked ribs and a pulled hamstring.

Nightwing: So I take it the romance is over?

Batman: Hell no! I've taken worse from the Joker.

Nightwing: Tell me you used protection.

Batman: Bat-Condom, extra strength. Ribbed with Titanium-Steel Alloy.

Nightwing: For her pleasure?

Batman: No, for my safety. The Batman doesn't need to compensate in the bedroom.

Nightwing: Oh, it's Batman now is it? Then why did I keep hearing, "Oh Bruce! OH BRUCE!!"

Batman: She was just...Delirious.

Nightwing: Ah! From the insane amount of Bat-pleasure? [yuh huh]

Batman: ...............Yes. [um....  uh huh! ...  ]

Hey Jafabian. Could you tell me exactly why you think it wouldn't work between them?