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quote: Originally posted by DuplicateMan: quote: Originally posted by TheTimeTrust: So a retcon will do the trick, huh? Sorry, it's artificial. You can manufacture "heart and soul"-ness and insert it into the past. I grant you, the Manhunter from Mars has played a long-standing role of being the only member with continuity from 1984 to the present, but the heart and soul bit is just pure hogwash, really. Retcons can't change that, and they don't hold weight against history. Just look at Miss America, the one-time retconned replacement for Wonder Woman -- she's a complete nobody who's never actually appeared in any WRITTEN adventures of the JSA, but only in flashbacks. People who are so bloody concerned about Der Kontinuity will argue till they're blue in the face that Miss America was a member of the JSA, but it's still not going to make it so.
Miss America WAS a member of the JSA. She IS a nobody (I never heard of her, but I'm going by your description), but so were cetain members of the JLA who clearly DID exist and appear in "real" stories. Likewise, J'onn HAS BEEN the "heart and soul" of the JLA for about 20 years. Historically he was not, and as a Pre-Crisis fan I have no problem with that, but Post-Crisis MM was a member when Superman & Batman were too busy for the team.
wrong J'onn was a main member from the begining... and actually he faded away (something to do with Mars) for awhile probably around the time most of you younguns started to read JLA.