Absolutely, the Martian will have to die!
I mean, he doesn´t even have small antennaes, and where is his little flying saucer?
And then there is his ridiculous outfit [no no no] [no no no]
I´m sure we can get a nice guillitine somewhere in France [biiiig grin]
No seriously, I haven´t read enough of JLA to know much about The Martian Manhunter, though I do know some!
But I think that in comparison to other characters he´s really really boring! I don´t think I´ve ever seen him win a fight, except the one with all the White Martians, you know, the one where Batman defeats four Supes class villians with a match and some petrol, or whatever it was! (That was actually rather ludicrous, but then againk, it WAS a Morrison story, and we all know how he depicts the Bat!)

Where was I? Oh yes, MM is BORING! Now, I would be willing to reassess my opinion if someone could actually depict the character in a proper and good way, but so far, I haven´t seen anything!
Sure, generally Superman is boring too, but he had Kingdom Come where he really came to his characteristical potential!
But MM, no, haven´t seen anything yet, if some one has, could you let me know?