Seriously, I like The Martian Manhunter.
His early solo stories were fascinating.
I read reprints of those exploits many
years ago, back in the Early to mid 60's.

Until man is actually able to walk on
and explore the surface of mars, we'll
Never know for sure if there ever truly
was a Martian civilzation.

This is in OUR reality. In the DC reality,
things are quite different. Why should the
DC universe be restricted to the limitations
of our OWN reality???? Comics are, after all,
fictional entertainment. Fiction has no need
to be bound to reality, or it would not be
fiction. Therefore, Martian Manhunter IS from
Mars. Superman IS from Krypton. And all the
beloved comics, movies,and books we cherish
are real to us in the sense that we suspend our

If we refuse to suspend our disbelief, then why
bother with fiction at all?

I'd be curious to know what you guys think of
The animated Justice League series?? I love it
myself. The second season is underway and it is