Written by Michael Turner, Joe Kelly and Chuck Austen; art by Talent Caldwell, Jason Gorder, Ivan Reis and Marc Campos; cover by Turner

Part 1 of the 6-part "Godfall," written by Michael Turner (Fathom) & Joe Kelly (ACTION COMICS) with art by the red-hot Talent Caldwell (Fathom: Killian's Tide)! After the cataclysmic events of SUPERMAN #200, Kal-El begins his new life...on Krypton? And, in the back-up story by Chuck Austen, with art by Ivan Reis & Marc Campos, Lana Lang makes a life-changing decision about her future in Metropolis

SUPERMAN | 32pg. | Color | $2.25
On Sale February 11th, 2004

Written by Michael Turner, Joe Kelly and Greg Rucka; art by Talent Caldwell, Jason Gorder, Matt Clark and Nelson; cover by Turner

"Godfall" continues with Part 2 of 6! Kal-El's powers begin to emerge as he faces a new threat on Krypton. Plus, in the back-up by Greg Rucka (WONDER WOMAN, BATMAN: DEATH AND THE MAIDENS), Matt Clark and Nelson, the new head of the Metropolis Special Crimes Unit is introduced, while Superman is nowhere to be found in the city.

SUPERMAN | 32pg. | Color | $2.25
On Sale February 18th, 2004

Written by Michael Turner, Joe Kelly and Brian Azzarello; art by Talent Caldwell, Jason Gorder, and Lee Bermejo; cover by Turner

Part 3 of the explosive 6-part crossover "Godfall!" Kal-El becomes a fugitive as his powers have made him a menace on Krypton. Plus, in the back-up by Brian Azzarello (BATMAN) and Lee Bermejo (BATMAN/DEATHBLOW), a first look at the upcoming 6-issue miniseries LEX LUTHOR: MAN OF STEEL!

SUPERMAN | 32pg. | Color | $2.25
On Sale February 25th, 2004

Written by Mark Waid, art and cover by Leinil Yu and Gerry Alanguilan

Superman becomes a super-menace to the citizens of Metropolis as Lex Luthor's revelations make him out to be an inhuman alien.

SUPERMAN | 32pg. | Color | 7 of 12 | $2.95
On Sale February 4th, 2004

Written by Jeph Loeb; art and cover by Pat Lee

Robin and Superboy take the spotlight in this special issue drawn by Transformers artist Pat Lee! The pair deals with the recent shocking revelations about Superboy's true origins. Will they let their mentors know?

DC UNIVERSE | 32pg. | Color | $2.95
On Sale February 18th, 2004

Written by Kurt Busiek; art and cover by Stuart Immonen

The Prestige Format miniseries chronicling the life of a real-world Clark Kent who gains super-powers continues! Clark arrives in the big city to pursue his writing career – but his amazing abilities and fantastic feats attract the attention of government agents convinced he may be an American weapon of mass destruction! Is being Superman a bigger responsibility than he can handle?

SUPERMAN | 48pg. | Color | 2 of 4 | $5.95
On Sale February 18th, 2004

So, what do you think? The rest of the solicits are up at DC. Looks like a decent month.