Originally posted by King Krypton:
Originally posted by r3x29yz4a:
Originally posted by King Krypton:
Originally posted by r3x29yz4a:
MOTA and King Krypton are just different sides of the same coin. They balance each other out. If MOTA was gone, King Krypton's head would explode.

Since when? I'd be dancing a jig if he took a hike for good. Jerks like him I can do without.

And when last I checked, I wasn't going around bashing people simply for disagreeing with me, skewing their words out of context, and outright lying. I've only been going after the extremists who think only THEIR pet version/continuity is sacred at the expense of all else. PERIOD. I don't go after people just because their tastes differ from mine. The same can't be said for MOTA and his ilk.

For god sakes, man. You start most threads with the word sycophant. That's not a compliment.
For God's sakes, man, I use that word to describe the extremists of which I speak...who, as I've said, are the only people I've gone after. Those people don't deserve any compliments.

Like I said (and you deliberately ignored so you could slander me), I don't go after people who simply disagree with me. I have no problems with that. It's the extremists and selfish crybabies I have problems with. Accept this.

But why do you go after people who simply disagree with you?