Originally posted by the G-man:
Every story I have ever heard about the creation of Superman was that he was created to a "fantasy outlet" for two sci-fi/pulp fiction fanboys from Cleveland...who just happened to be his creators.

Interesting. Every story I have heard has it that the two fanboys from Cleveland just wanted to sale a story to make some much needed cash to eat. They got lucky, and the birth of Superheroes began.

But, you make my point for me. Whether Superman was supposed to be a fantasy outlet during the Depression doesn't really matter. It's how he is taken, used, or, percieved as a character. I, for one, cannot lift a car. Nor can I fly. Thus, since that is the case, I could not possibly live out my fantasies through such a fictional character, as I cannot truly relate to that character. Therefore, I take him for something other than his intended purpose. My original point.